Do Custodes Need a Buff in 9th Edition 40k Already?

patreon custodes wal horAdeptus Custodes are great in 9th Edition 40k, but their weapons may be showing their age- especially when the Marine book hits in October…

We’ve been seeing the Custodes hover near the top of the leaderboards across all kinds of tournaments since in 9th Edition 40k. But as we’ve been seeing D3 damage profiles switch to flat 2 damage, the Custodes arsenal could be showing their age a bit. Let’s take a deeper look into this faction to see what we really mean.

Do Custodes Need a Buff in 9th Edition 40k Already?

custode art 2As of right now, Custodes are probably the top faction where D3 damage profiles are most prevalent. Currently, looking at all the D3 wargear there’s:

  • Achillus Dreadspear
  • Flakkburst Missile
  • Twin Las-pulsar
  • Adrasite Spear
  • Castellan Axe
  • Gnosis
  • Guardian Spear
  • Interceptor Lance
  • Pyrithite Spear
  • Sentinel Blade
  • Solarite Power Gauntlet
  • Somnus Blade
  • Venatari Lance
  • Watcher’s Axe

That’s 14 widely popular weapons across the faction that have a random damage output. On paper, it says D3, but 9 times out of 10 it really just means 1 damage. Or maybe it just seems that way, we don’t know…

Now, with all Space Marines jumping up a wound, it’ll be even harder for Custodes to drop one. Being that Custodes are WAY stronger and faster in the lore (with the best tech) it wouldn’t make much sense to see a Primaris Marine, or any Marine for that matter, shrug off blows from a Custode. As we mentioned before, we’ve seen power swords and power fists across the board for Space Marines switch over to flat 2 damage over D3 so there’s a very strong likelihood that we could see the same come to the Custodes eventually.

Games Are Smaller & Custodes Are More Elite

custodesGames are smaller across the board both in table sizes and army size. Custodes were already an elite army and if they get their weapon damage bumped to a flat 2 damage, they could be even more expensive when their codex hits. With that said, it might be worth exploring a separate attack profile on dudes with spears.

Looking at the plain Custodian Guard squad, you’ve got the choice of sword and shield (for tankiness) or two-handed spear. Because the spear is two-handed (along with the Castelan Axe, etc.) and they drop the protection that a shield offers, it may not be outside the realm of possibility to see certain Custode units get a new attack profile.

custode walHere’s the Guardian Spear’s melee profile, for example, S+1 -3AP D3 damage (which may go to 2 damage in the future)

But it might be cool to add a sweeping attack to the profile even, .something like S user -1AP 1 dmg- Make two hit rolls for each attack

This is similar to the sweeping attack that we’ve seen on Armiger Warglaives. The whole concept of a sweeping attack is to give elite armies a chance against tar pitting horde armies. Armigers are elite and have a sweeping attack. Custodes are also elite and could use one. So who knows!

What do you think we will see the Custodes get in their new codex? Would you like to see D3 damage weapons moved to flat 2? What are your thoughts on a sweeping attack coming to all two-handed melee weapons for Custodes? 

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