Ephrael Stern & the Pariah’s Full 40k Datasheet Rules

daemonifuge 20th anniv epheral sternWow, you have to see the full 40k rules for Sisters Ephrael Stern and Kyganil (aka the Daemonifuge and Pariah) that are about to kick some butt in the Imperium’s name!.

This sheet has been spreading like wildfire and it’s difficult to track down where it originated from. If you haven’t already seen some of their rules previewed earlier, we’ve got it all for you below from Warhammer Community and more.

GW Reveals Ephrael Stern & The Pariah’s 40k Rules!

Ephrael Stern and Kyganil

Pariah Pricing & Release Post

ephrael stern datasheet 1Right away, one thing that sets her apart from her other Sisters of Battle is that she’s S4 and  T4 (over the normalS3/ T3). Plus, with six wounds and four attacks, she looks more like a Primaris statline than anything!

ephrael stern datasheet 2Oh, and she’ll be slapping like one too. At S5 -3AP and 2-damage, she can slice right through most power armor barring an invuln save and be able to one-shot Intercessors and Hellblasters. If she gets ahold of the new two-wound Pteraxii units for the Admech, she’ll really glide through them (they won’t even get an armor save).

ephrael stern datasheet daemonifugeEvery turn, she’ll also be able to laser blast something with a mortal wound trick that can’t be denied. Daemonifuge just needs a 5+ on 2D6 to deal D3 mortal wounds. If it’s 9 or more, you’ll be doing D6 mortal wounds. Oh, and if you’re going against Chaos, you’ll add +2 to the result of the 2D6.

kyganilMoving onto her partner in crime, Kyganil, aka The Pariah

kyganil datasheet 1Kyganil is slightly faster, however sits at S3 and T3 as you might expect any Harlequin.  While he’s squishier he’s still got four attacks with weapons that are great for clearing screens.

kyganil datasheet 2While this guy might have four attacks, when he piles in to fight, he’s actually getting eight. He’s going to be a whirlwind of papercuts, but the biggest weakness is his strength characteristic.

kyganil datasheet mysterious saviourWhere this guy will really earn his keep is with the Mysterious Saviour rule giving Ephy a 5+++ FNP. Note that he just has to stand next to her and he doesn’t even take the wounds! That means for players going against these two, your best bet is to kill Kyganil with his measly 6+ armor save before starting work on Ephy.

ephrael stern datasheet wanderersSadly, you can’t have either of them be your Warlord. However, they do have a free deepstrike mechanic thanks to Kyganil using the webway.

Now that we’ve gotten a good idea of how they’ll play in-game from earlier official previews, we can fill in the gaps with their massive datasheet.

Ephrael Stern & the Pariah’s Full Datasheet Leaked

ephrael stern datasheet leak 1We are going to be talking about the things that we didn’t already cover in the rules preview from above.

Cast Together by Fate is a neat rule that counts both of these guys as a single drop. However, you can space them apart and move them independently in-game. With that said, you’ll still want to keep Kyganil close to Ephrael so he can act as a wound shrug for her.

For Ephrael, she’s gotten even scarier from her first preview with Divine Protection giving her a 4++ Invuln and a -1 to hit in both shooting and melee. Yikes.

ephrael stern datasheet leak 2For Kyganil, he’ll also have a 4++ invuln and will essentially have the Speed of the Primarch BA Warlord Trait rule built-in. He can fight first, or force you and your opponent to alternate between fighting if they have any units that charged.

Now let’s talk about points. For just 115 pts, you get a total of 11 wounds, 12 attacks, a 4++ invuln at -1 to hit with a 5+++ FNP. Character keyword protection, and a D3 mortal wound trick that can’t be denied.  

For the cost, the power spike in this unit is off the charts.  It looks like this new kit is the 40k version of Gortrek from Age of Sigmar who was also a “must-have” for any order list as well.

What do you think about Ephrael and Kyganil? Will they be popping up in every Imperium list just like when Assassins became playable earlier in 8th?

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