GW FAQs Their FAQs: 40k Changes To Smite & Characters

new warhammer 40k faq wal horA few days ago we saw new 9th Edition 40k FAQs, and now we have FAQs for the FAQs going over things like smite exceptions and character targeting!

Warhammer Community announced another wave of FAQs that you may want to take a look at. Yes, they FAQ’d the rules a few days ago but it looks like they’ve done it again (to some of the same rules).

GW FAQs Their FAQs: 40k Changes To Smite & Characters

shadowspear primaris 3 eliminatorOne of the big highlights to the FAQ came unto the Look Out, Sir! rule.

gw faq look out sir


gw faq look out sir 2In all cases, if that Character unit is both visible to the firing model and it is the closest enemy unit to the firing model, it can be targeted normally. When determining if that Character unit is the closest enemy unit to the firing model, ignore other enemy units that contain any Character models with a Wounds characteristics of 9 or less.’

All this does is pretty much make it so Harlequins and Dark Eldar can hide their characters behind their smaller vehicles. Another good example would be the Warboss on a Wartrike can hide behind the rest of the Speed Freeks units.

moving through models faqThis one is pretty self-explanatory but it was needed. Models with rules that can move through other models have been expanded on. They move over them just like the rule states but you can’t do anything to end up within engagement range outside of a charge.

Grey Knights & Thousand Sons Don’t Ignore Increasing Charge on Smite

Grey Knights Wal Hor


grey knight faqYou can find this exact commentary on Thousand Sons as well but essentially, GW took away the rule that keeps smite from going up for Grey Knights and Thousand Sons. That means it’s a bit more difficult to spam mortal wounds in those armies. However, they did keep things open-ended mentioning that they will be building on the rule once it’s time for their codex to roll around.

There are a few other changes that you may want to look over for yourself if you’ve got the time but these have been some of the big highlights.


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What do you think about this FAQ to the FAQ? Are the rules for targeting characters fairer now? Did Grey Knights and Thousand Sons get knocked down to a reasonable level?

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