GW Reveals Massive New Necron Codex Rules Changes

necrons new rulesTons of new Necron rules are here, as Games Workshop previewed a bunch of changes that are on the way for their 9th Edition codex book.

Warhammer Community gave us a pretty big rules teaser for what’s on the way to Necrons inside of their new 9th Edition codex. Let’s jump into Reanimation Protocols first!

GW Reveals Massive New Necron Codex Rules Changes

9th edition reanimation protocolsSo this is very interesting. This is a lot to talk about but here are the main talking points.

  • For every model that died, add a D6 to the pool for each wound the model had
  • Each roll of a 5+ is counted as a success
  • You can only modify the roll by +1/-1 (still a 4+ reanimation isn’t bad!)
  • Models brought back aren’t counted toward Morale

For example, If you have a squad of three Skorpekh Destroyers and two die, once your opponent is done with shooting at them with a unit, you’ll total up the total wounds of all dead models. In this case, there are six wounds. Roll 6D6 and count each 5+. If you have enough 5+ dice to match the full wound any of the re-animating models, you can bring them back.

Overlords Get New Command Protocol Mechanic

Overlord whiteSomething brand-new for Necron Overlords to unleash upon the galaxy are command protocols. Before a game starts, you secretly assign one of the six protocols to each of the first five battle rounds. Then, when you reach the relevant battle round, you choose from one of the two directives associated with the protocol to be active for that round and any unit within 6 inches of a Necron Character can benefit from it.

This looks like the Necron’s version of Space Marine’s Doctrines although it’s not a perfect comparison. You’ll need an Overlord (or three) because with these guys being the lynchpin for Command Protocols they’ll probably have a big target on their back.

protocol of the sudden stormFor example Protocol of the Sudden Storm gives you the ability to either gain an extra inch of movement or keep a unit open for attacking while performing an action (like Raising the Banners) for example.

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Hexmark Destroyer Stats

hexmark destoryer


hexmark destroyer 1


hexmark destroyer 2Overall, this guy looks like a re-skin of the GSC Kelermorph. Although the Kelermorph has S4 2dmg pistols, this guy has S6 1dmg guns. The Hexmark Destroyer does have six shots which is nice, but he also gets more shots for each model he kills with the first volley of shots. Overall, his stats just looks like a Guardsman’s worst nightmare.

This guy is definitely more geared toward killing screens whereas the Kelermorphs looks to be the better option for elites.

Monolith Gets Four More Wounds & New Wargear

new necron monolithThe Monolith has some new goods on the way. We haven’t been able to see it’s fully updated datasheet just yet but we know that it’s getting some major improvements.

Not only does it have an additional four wounds, but its weapons have also undergone an upgrade, and there is even a new option – the death ray – which you can take in place of the gauss flux arc.

necron monolith 9thThe Deathray is basically going to be a short-range more consistent form of the Lascannon. The Gauss Flux Arc is the replacement for the Death Ray which looks to probably be a cheaper weapon. Although six shots at S5 -2AP at 15″ isn’t bad for one gun.

Void Dragon C’tan Stats Revealed

void dragon


void dragon stats 1

This guy has some solid stats to begin with. He’s not the fastest unit, but he’s not the slowest either. He’ll also be hitting consistently and able to avoid small-arms fire pretty comfortably. He’s also got the highest amount of wounds you can have without being shot at across the board which is nice.

void dragon stats 2The Spear of the Void Dragon’s shooting weapon is just the universe’s nastiest laser pointer. It hits like a truck and also melts anything between him and the target. The only bad part is that it’s got a 12″ range. At most, you’ll probably be able to clip a character or unit as a bonus when you shoot it.

As for melee, however, he’s going to be hitting just as hard as his shooting, but with five attacks hitting on a 2+. In both shooting and melee, he’ll also be doing a consisted 3+D3 damage against vehicles.

void dragon stats 3Necrodermis turns this dude into a Pseudo-Ghazghkull as well. He can’t lose more than three wounds in a phase. You can technically kill this guy in a single turn but it’s going to be tricky and never a guarantee.

void dragon stats 4Oh, he can also regain wounds at the end of EACH phase. Overall, there’s not a single stat that looks bad on this guy. He looks like he’ll be the faction’s version of a pocket Primarch!

The Necron codex is going to be going up for pre-order this Saturday so be sure to save your hobby $$$ where you can!

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How are the rules looking coming inside the Necron codex? Do you think the Void Dragon is going to be an auto-include in lists? Is he easily the best C’tan shard now?

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