RUMORS: New Lelith Hesperax Dark Eldar Model On Deck

Lelith Hesperax is a classic Dark Eldar character that is due for a new sculpt, and from this, it looks like her new model was hidden in plain sight!

Dark Eldar has already gotten a little bit of love out of Psychic Awakening but is even more for the Drukhari may be coming soon in 9th Edition. Here’s everything we know so far:

Dark Eldar Support in 8th Edition




First seen in Psychic Awakening’s Blood of the Phoenix release, we saw Drazhar and some Incubi get all-new sculpts. These were the first Dark Eldar models we’ve seen in a very long time, but after looking at some more recent previews there may be more on the way…

Dark Eldar Mentioned in Psychic Awakening Again?

pale kinSpotted in the Echoes of the Awakening section out of Engine War, there was a small snippet that’s easy to miss. Could the pale-kin be a reference to the Craftworld’s “kin”, which is obviously the pale-skinned Dark Eldar?  We’ve seen teasers in here for both the Silent King and Fabius Bile, that all got new models recently so this section of the PA books seems to always have something to foreshadow…

Lelith Hesperax: The First of Many Drukhari Updates in 9th?

new lelith 2After the recent previews on the Indomitus/9th Edition launch day, there’s a “mystery model” that fits the bill for Lelith Hesperax.

rumor engine drukhariWe’ll admit, the dagger threw us off when we first saw it. Nothing about it screamed Dark Eldar, although we did take a shot in the dark guessing it could be for some Wyches.

rumor engine 7-14-20However, we called a new Lelith weeks ago once we saw these strands of hair with barbs in them. Being the only girl crazy enough to weaponized her hair, this was a dead giveaway.

lelith hesperax

lelith hesperax 2For a better angle, you can see a striking similarity between Lelith’s current model’s daggers and the one in the rumor engine from above. As for the hair, you can see some long flowing strands with barbs tied in.

Maybe the biggest “tell” is that the symbol on her left bracer is the same on both models.

lelith out of stockOh, and she’s also temporarily out of stock on GW site too… how convenient.

With all of this circling around the Dark Eldar faction, it looks like eventually, we’ll be seeing some spooky Aelves get some love. We may just have to make it past all of the new Primaris units first and there’s no telling how long that’ll take.

What are your thoughts about Dark Eldar being the next faction to get support? Can you think of a few kits that need to be redesigned? Is Lelith your favorite character in the lore?

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