Necron Doomstalker & Lokhust Heavy Destroyer 40k Rules SPOTTED

necrons new rulesThe Canoptek Doomstalker and Lokhust Heavy Destroyer are the first two Necron units beyond Indomitus to have their 40k rules datasheets emerge. Check this out.

Spotted on Imgur, we’ve got a snapshot of how the Canoptek Doomstalker and Lokhust Heavy Destroyer will play. These models first appeared on the army-wide picture showcasing all of the Necron support that’s coming. Let’s go over the details on each one.

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Necron Doomstalker & Lokhust Heavy Destroyer Datasheets SPOTTED

Canoptek Doomstalker white


canoptek doomstalker datasheetFirst, we’ve got the Canoptek Doomstalker which looks like a big brother version of the Canoptek Reanimator. If you look at the first big points to make about the datasheet, the model is a heavy support and GW redesigned the way degrading works, now giving an entire new statline to follow as it gets injured.

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It’s surprisingly fast with a 10″ Move while also having 12 Wounds and a 5++ invuln. The weakest point about the model is that it’s only hitting on a 4+(thankfully that never changes as it degrades). With that said, it’s got two main profiles to use for shooting, however, the anti-tank high power version of the doomsday blaster can only be used if you stood still. Being that it’s a 48″ range cannon, there shouldn’t be many issues. The twin gauss flayer is just for some added dakka but obviously not the real reason why you’d take the unit

Overall, with a random D6 shot output and only hitting on a 4+, you’ll most definitely want to bring more than one of these to get the most value out of your points. Definitely a sweet model though.

doomstalker redditThe people of Reddit have a lot to say about this guy. Check out the conversations different Necron players are having.

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers white


lokhust heavy destroyer datasheetThe Lokhust Heavy Destroyer is another Heavy Support option on the way. Unlike the Doomstalker, there can be up to three models in the Lokhust Destroyer squad. It’s got a weaker statline from the Doomstalker only being T5 with 4 Wounds but it hits on a solid 3+ and never degrades. Plus, it’s got a wrecking ball of a shot with its gauss destructor if you want to go tank hunting.

You only get one shot but at S10 -4AP and 3D3 damage, it hits almost like a Castellan volcano lance. If you want to go for screen-killing, you can also throw on the enmitic exterminator for 3d3 S7 -1 AP shots. Just taking a complete shot in the dark on this one…but we feel like the gauss destructor is going to be wildly more popular. If you do take a squad of 2-3, it also says that any number can take whichever weapon (they can be mixed). In case you want an all-around decent firebase, you could do something like two gauss destructors and one enmitic exterminator.

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What are your personal opinions on these two units? Since they’re both heavy support, do you think one will be more popular over the other?

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