New Chaos Fabius Bile 40k Rules REVEALED

fabius bile walDon’t miss the new 40k rules from War of the Spider that were just revealed for Fabius Bile, that are coming our way next week! Here’s the details.

Coming from Warhammer Community, we’ve got a deeper look into how Fabius Bile will be playing on the tabletop. Giving you an honest answer, we’re not sure if he’s THAT much better than before. It seems he’s gotten nerfed in some areas and brought up to speed in others.

New Chaos Fabius Bile 40k Rules REVEALED

War of the spider


fabius bile shrunken headFabius Bile Sitting in his Cadian Lab M.41 Colorized


Fabius bileAlong with 9th Edition on the way, we’ve also got Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider. Fabius Bile is getting a new model and rules as well as his own spin-off of Chaos Legion rules now called The Creations of Bile (and not agents). While there may not be any new Chaos models besides Fabius and his goon, taking him in your army will unlock new rules for your force.

fabius bile statline

Looking at his Statline, there’s nothing that seems overly exciting.

fabius bile oldIf you look at his current (soon to be old) statline, he actually got objectively worse losing 1 Strength and two Attacks.

fabius bile rod of tormentHis Rod of Torment got slightly tweaked, giving him a bonus Strength (putting him back up to S5 when he attacks). AP, Damage, and rules all stayed the same.

fabius bile the chirurgeonFor his little robot medic arms, he can make three extra attacks, which is nice. The AP is good, but at 1 Damage, you shouldn’t throw him into a crowd of Primaris duders expecting him to come out on top.

fabius bile the chirurgeon 2Probably the best rule about Fabius is that he comes with a 5+++ FNPand heals D3 a turn. He’s already deceptively tanky so if you manage to leave him with one wound left, he could go back to almost full health at the start of the turn.

The Acolyte Will Be Clutch

fabius bile war of the spider (3)

The unsung hero of the unit is probably going to be his Acolyte and here’s why.

fabius bile enhancement tableLike always, you’ll be able to enhance a unit with Bile in-game. You roll a D3 and apply the result of what you roll.

fabius bile another pair of handsHowever, the Acolyte will come with Another Pair of Hands ability, letting you modify your roll +1/-1 which should almost always give you what you’re looking for. If you’re in a pinch and really need to make a squad hit harder or stay in the fight longer, he will be your ticket.

There’s still no word on what kind of rules the Creations of Bile will have, but we’re hoping that Bile will look much much better once they get revealed. Keep your eyes peeled for more in the days ahead.

What do you think about Bile’s new Statline? Do you think he’s going to cost more or less than his current model points-wise? 

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