New Gauss Reaper 40k Necron Rules For Warriors

necron wal horNecron Warriors are about to have new 40k rules at their disposal in 9th Edition once the Indomitus box drops with the Gauss Reaper!

Warhammer Community expanded on the Necrons beyond their new models recently with a quick look at one of the new weapons coming to the army. Warriors are getting access to a weapon called the Gauss Reaper in case you haven’t already heard. Here’s the latest on everything to do with the Warriors.

New Gauss Reaper 40k Necron Rules For Warriors

Necron Warriors white

necron warrior sprueThe Warriors have been completely redesigned, adding battle damage in various stages of healing and taking away the green plastic rod on the gun. If you look on the sprue for the Indomitus box, you can see two different weapon types (one long, thin rod, and two shorter rods). They’re also sharing the space with some Scarabs.

While they’ll still have access to the classic Gauss Flayer (Rapid Fire 1 S4 -1 AP 1D), they are getting another option called the Gauss Reaper.

necron warrior gauss reaperYou’re trading range for Strength and AP. While the range really hurts (Rapid Fire won’t proc until the enemy is 7″ away) the bonus Strength and AP will allow you to melt through most T4 things in power armor.

It’ll probably come down to what your list is geared for. If you’re playing a more cagey Necron list that likes to hang back, you’ll probably just stick with the Gauss Flayer. But if you’re wanting to get up close and supplement your melee dudes with short-ranged firepower, the Reaper may be the way to go.

As for who you’re fighting, if you’re going against some Blood Angels, Nids, or Orks, this Reaper is probably also going to be the better option 9 times out of 10.
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After seeing the new weapon, what will you be giving your Necrons? Is there a certain weapon that’s an auto-include for a certain Dynasty? Do you think Dynasty rules will change when they get a 9th Edition codex?

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