BREAKING: Primaris Hammerfall Drop Turret Fortification

gone-primaris-better-hobbyWow, look at this! The Primaris Space Marines just got some heavy-duty firepower with the Hammerfall Drop Turret that was just leaked!

Spotted on Reddit by Levelingthinner, we’ve got a first look at a brand new fortification coming to the Adeptus Astartes. This thing looks exactly like Starcraft’s Terran Bunker was spliced with the missile turret.

Primaris Hammerfall Drop Turret Fortification

hammerfall drop turretThis looks to be a page out of some kind of book. Potentially a Space Marine codex for 9th Edition. You can see all of the newly previewed Primaris units surrounding it. There’s no word on datasheets for this thing. However, it looks like it’s got some long-barreled heavy flamer/incinerators on the sides with a giant Whilwind-style missile rack on the top.

Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists players are licking their lips right now hoping they see these in-game.

rumor engine 6-2-2020We saw this rumor engine, which has since been debunked as the Hammerfall Drop Turret. Funny enough, we compared this rumor engine to another Starcraft unit, the Terrain Siege Tank.

Going back to the fullness of the model, let’s hope the Hammerfall Drop Turret can only fire its weapons in a directional manner. Otherwise, that could be 8D6 auto hits on something that gets too close.

space marine drop pod fenris wolvesAlso, with a name like “Hammerfall DROP Turret”, it sounds like we could very well be seeing these things deepstrike onto the board. Imagine seeing this thing fall from the sky onto an objective a few turns into the game…

With a Space Marine fortification now making rounds across the web, this may only help confirm the earlier free faction terrain rumors we saw earlier.



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What do you think about this model for the Space Marine faction? Would you like to see some interchangeable wargear options for the top turret? Do you think units can be garrisoned inside? 

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