Space Marines Lose Again! Top 3 40k Army Lists The Invasion

space marine wal hor tourneyThree more 40k Army lists have finished at the top of the leaderboards at the Invasion tournament, and none were Space Marines!

The Invasion 40k Tournament brought in 59 players to roll some dice under one roof. Even though Space Marines started off strong in 9th Edition, they seem to be falling off compared to other factions as this is the second time a Marine list hasn’t placed in the top 3.

With that said, we’ll be looking at the factions that won and what those players brought with them to do battle in the top 3 40k army lists at The Invasion!

Space Marines Lose Again! Top 3 40k Army Lists The Invasion

best coast pairings Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Adeptus Mechanicus- Eirik Kill

admech wal


eirik kill 1Adeptus Mechanicus secured third place by spamming Kataphron Breacher Squads. These guys were all given Arc Rifles which were a fantastic option at killing multi-wound Primaris and Custodes while also getting their damage bumped up to D6 if they shot at a Vehicle.

Not too bad! These guys were led by Daedolossus from the 40k Combat Arena game and a Tech Priest. Daedolosus is a popular option because he’s cheap, can add 1 to hit rolls for a unit, and once per batle, heal D3 wounds or deal out D3 mortal wounds. Just a good toolbox unit.

eirik kill 2

With the rest of the points, Eirik fit in an Archaeopter Fusilave which is the new plane that came to the Ad Mech in Psychic Awakening’s Engine War. This guy was given the Command Uplink for the 1CP Electro-Filament Countermeasures Strat that turns off aura abilities within 6″. It’s a small bubble but can be devastating if timed right. If nothing else, this guy had a target on his back and took fire away from all the Kataphrons.

Lastly, Belisarius led a Spearhead with some Onager Dunecrawlers armed with AA firepower in the backfield. Some Kastelans and Serberys Raiders were also some good filler with mobility from the Serberys Raiders and solid anti-infantry firepower from the Kastelan Bots. Sweet list!

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2nd Place: Rasmus Valand Fredriksen- Harlequins

harlequin wal hor large


fredriksen harlies 1For Harlequins in Second Place, Rasmus took the big bad Yncarne and made full use of his bad pop-up ad ability with the mobility that Harlequins offer. As usual, a ton of Troupes were all given Fusion and put into some Starweavers to get up close and absolutely melt through armor.

fredriksen harlies 2Three Death Jesters hung back on some objectives and good vantage points to snipe out enemy units and wreck their morale. Capitalizing on the faction’s mobility, units of Skyweavers were also all given Haywire Cannons to help the Troupes chew through armor. Meanwhile, whenever something died, the opponent would have to immediately deal with the Yncarne popping up in his face.

Sleek and simple!

1st Place: Are Verlo- Slaanesh Daemons

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are verlo


are verlo 2Finally, we’ve got this Slaanesh Daemons list. All things considered, this was a very elite list for mono-Daemons. Starting off, Syll’Esske was brought because she’s pretty much an auto-include if you’re running Slaanesh. From screen-clearing to tank-busting she can do it all in melee. The Contorted Epitome was also brought to keep units from falling back while also giving a nice Strength bonus to friendly units within 6″. Just a solid support unit.

A chunky blob of Daemonettes was also taken to add a little cushion to the list and keep bodies on objectives. Fiends were also brought in their minimum squads mainly for quick objective capping and disruption if needed.

For the last Detachment, two Keepers of Secrets were taken and were padded by another squad of Daemonettes. Some more Fiends were brought except these guys were in a squad of four (probably to take a bit more punishment and tie up a unit longer).

We’re not exactly sure why, but the formatting for the list was a bit jumbled. There were also about 400 pts worth of Seekers of Slaanesh with all the bells and whistles to help add some speed to the list. For the points that were left over, they were thrown into Reinforcements in case of any summoning shenanigans.

All in all, this list looked like one that was meant to apply a lot of pressure quickly and make it very difficult to gain some breathing room to shoot. All of this army’s damage potential was either psychic or melee and Are made sure he got the most out of his units!

Great job coming in first!

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What are your thoughts on these lists? Do you play something similar? Are you surprised to see a mono Daemon list come in first?

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