These Terrain Releases Are Probably For 9th Edition 40k

soulbound space marine wal horIt’s all starting to make sense now- check out these new terrain releases we spotted a while back that are probably for 9th Edition 40k.

We did some port scrying a while ago and saw a massive shipment of different Kill Team Killzone terrain sets hit the ports by storm. We had no idea what the reason was behind that as, while Kill Team is a great game, there’s almost no reason to order 42 pallets of terrain unless something else BIG was on the way.

However, now that we’ve seen some announcements on 9th Edition, it’s all starting to make more sense.

These Terrain Releases Are Probably For 9th Edition 40k

commodity components port scry AS SEEN ON SPIKEY BITSIf you look at the list here, we’ve got a bunch of different commodity components from the Killzone sets that released a while back. We’ve got a total of 42 pallets and in the past, we’ve seen “components” as ONLY the sprue. So what could GW be doing with 42 pallets worth of Killzone terrain sprues? Well, what if it’s not sprues, what if it’s also the boards that came with those games too?

Before we go into the possibilities, let’s point out the terrain that’s made the list here:

40k Killzone Terrain Sets & 9th Edition

Keep in mind too, these Killzone sets are no longer listed for sale on Games Workshop’s site currently.

mechanicus refineryMechanicus Refinery

sector fronteris 1Sector Fronteris

sector munitorumSector Munitorum

So between cranes, storage crates, some walls, and a refinery, there’s a good bit of terrain of both terrain, and unique boards here.

Remember What GW Said About Board Sizes in 9th Edition?

Tyranid Haruspex Wal Hor


9th edition table sizeOf course, these are only the minimum size requirements for your battlefields, so whether you’re using a 6′x4′ table with a Realm of Battle board, linking two, four or six 22″x30″ Killzone boards together according to the battle size you’re playing, or just using a dining room table, you’re good to go.  In fact, most dining room tables should be able to accommodate a Strike Force game!

One hugely important note to make is that it’s now confirmed that table sizes will be scaled for points. You might have noticed that the Strike Force (2,000 pt) game calls for a 3.6667 X 5 ft table which is technically smaller than a 4 X 6 table, and exactly two Kill Team sized boards, or one set of each of the boards in the terrain sets above!

Now that we know 9th Edition games are going to be multiples of Kill Team boards, it makes sense that 42 pallets worth of these boards and terrain hit a few weeks back…

GW could be aiming to get hobbyists to purchase these sets so they know exactly how much terrain to use in their games, which should make for easy setup without any grey area on where buildings/ruins should go.

Of course, if you have a 4’x6′ mat in your collect, well just like wreck markers and blast templates before that, they are going the way of the dodo.

tau kill team 4As we’ve said before, it seems like the pieces of the puzzle are coming together! But what does it say about Kill Team? Well, hobbyists might be buying Kill Team boards and terrain to play 40k now so they may give KT a try once they see also have almost all of the components to play that game as well…

With all of this on the table, do you think we’ll see a big push from GW for 40k players to buy Kill Team terrain? Will you still be playing your games on a standard 4X6 mat? Or do you like the fact that games are getting slightly smaller? 

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