Top 3 Tyranids 40k Army Lists Right Now


How are Tyranids doing in 9th Edition Warhammer 40k,  well, maybe not as bad as you were guessing- check out their top 40k army lists so far!

It’s pretty widely agreed upon in the community that Tyranids are way past due for a rework or at least some new releases…Pretty much about what the Necrons are currently getting. While their rules are arguably subpar and their unit line is old, they are still holding their own in tournaments.

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Flying Monkey Con: Matt Evans- Tyranids

Tyranid Haruspex Wal Hor



flying monkey evans 1Would you believe that Tyranids still had the gusto to stand up to all the other factions in 9th and come in 24th place out of a 74-person event? Check out what Matt Evans brought in this 2,000 pt list. For HQs, a Tyranid Prime and a Neurothrope led a Battalion of some more “elite” bugs. Bringing one fatty squad of Tyranid Warriors all armed with Deathspitters on top of a minimum squad, with Scything Talons. This Detachment packed a nice firing base of S5 firepower with some light melee potential.

Some Hive Guard with Impaler Cannons (which are pretty much battle cannons) also supported the Tyranids from the back.  Finally, in the Heavy Support section, the Tyranids have their own version of anti-Primaris firepower. A trio of Exocrines armed with Bio-Plasmic Cannons was able to dump six 2-dmg shots downrange apiece.

flying monkey evans 2For the last bit of points, a Patrol Detachment was brought with a winged Hive Tyrant at the helm. A Swarmlord even made it into the list to help obliterate things in melee. Some Ripper Swarms were scattered throughout the list for sneaky objective grabbing and a Tyrannofex hit the deck for a tanky element. Awesome job shocking the meta with this big ol’ bug list.

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Skyslammer III: Jacob Holmstom- Tyranids

tyranids eternal crusade hor wal


jacob holmstromSo this list finished in 12th place out of a 26 person event. Running a single Battalion, he brought maximum chonk to the table in just a handful of squads. Starting off, some Ripper Swarms were taken to fill the obligatory Troops role while also being able to deepstrike onto unheld objectives.  Two Neurothropes were the brains behind the operation slinging psychic powers and healing Zoanthropes. Oh and speaking of Zoanthropes, two squads of five were taken making up about a quarter of the list’s total points. These guys were supported by the Neurothropes and were able to put out some Serious mortal wounds. Next, two chonk squads of Hive Guard also hit the board with S8 -2AP D3 damage weapons acting as the firing base to support the Psykers.

For the anti-Primaris element of the list, three Exocrines (which each get 6 2-dmg shots) stood back with the Hive Guard and blasted away threats. Overall, this list seems very slow and defensive. But the damage output in this list is absolute quality.

Varbergs GT: Dag Samuelsson- Tyranids

Tyranids Wal Hor


dag tyranids 1So this list came in 14th place out of a 26-person event so not too bad overall. Two Hive Flyrants and a Tyranid Prime led a Battalion of Termagants. These guys were mainly Filler and decent objective holders as long as they didn’t get focus-fired. As for a big powerhouse unit, however, a huge squad of Warriors (which seems to be the meta-theme these days) were all given a mix of Deathspitters, Boneswords, and Venom Cannons.

dag tyranids 2Next, a single blasty Carnifex also made it onto the board keeping that distraction Carnifex dream alive! Given some Devourers with Enhanced senses and Spore Cysts, he was able to hose down lighter Infantry that might’ve gotten too close while being -1 to hit.

Finally, Ripper Swarms filled the gaps on board control as they deepstruck onto objectives. Hive Guard with those S8 cannons backed up the Warriors as they advanced, and for backfield fire support, two Exocrines armed with those Primaris-nuking Bio-Plasmic Cannons held down the deployment zone. Sweet list!

How do you like where Tyranids are in the meta? Do they deserve an overhaul similar to what the Necrons are getting?  

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