Come see the brand new Warhammer 40k core set and more that are on the way for hobbyists from Games Workshop in September!
Multiple retailers have reported the following to us for September’s new releases.
- White Dwarf September 2016 $9
- Grombrindal: The White Dwarf (Clam-Pack) $20
- Warhammer 40k Kill Team (Core Set) $65
Other details have gone viral at this point about what the new Core set will contain:
- Space Marine Tactical Squad
- Fire Warriors Squad
- Small format 40k rule book
- 32 page Kill Team rules supplement updated over to 6th Edition from the old 4th Edition rules.
40k Kill Team
Yep that’s right in addition to next week’s White Dwarf reboot for September, we will see a new skirmish game for Warhammer 40k straight outta the 4th Edition Rulebook (pg 214)!
Here’s the new revised Roadmap list of new releases that are on the rumor radar now with items bolded that are confirmed:
- Warzone Fenris Pt.2
- Rubric Marines
- CSM Revamp
- Codex Genestealer Cults
- Horus Heresy Boxed Game II
- 40k Kill Team Core Set
- Steelhead Duardi
- Tzeentch stuff
- Shadowkin
- There is still a grip of factions in the General’s hand book with no battletome as of yet.
Non-Main Label
- New LoTR Reboot with Iron Dwarves
- Blood Bowl (2017)
- Adeptus Titanicus
So that’s it! Be sure to add a pinch of salt to taste, however we’re hearing this is what is on the way for next week!