After a Lifetime of War, Abaddon Plots To Kill Horus – LORE

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Broken by the death of Horus and sick of war, Abaddon wondered alone into the Eye of Terror. Get the full story right here!

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

After Horus’s recovery, Abaddon grew ever more protective of his Primarch and his Legion’s reputation. He saw remembrancer criticism and Imperial investigation into Legion activities as threats and insults that could not be borne. He therefore sanctioned the murder of Ignace Karkasy and the blaming of Legion-caused civilian casualties upon Garviel Loken. This course of action was frustrated by the refusal of Tarik Torgaddon to accede to the plan, and the Mournival brotherhood was effectively broken as a result.

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Abaddon’s thinking would prove to be in tune with that of his commander, who would eventually order not only the death of Karkasy but also that of Loken. Seemingly destined to be in lockstep with the Warmaster, Horus came to the warrior-lodge of his Legion to sway them into following him onto what would prove to be the path of heresy, Abaddon was amongst the first to swear his unquestioning loyalty.

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Abaddon was present at several of the major actions of the Horus Heresy. During the purging of the loyalist Legionaries at Isstvan III, Abaddon notably took to the field to attend the final meeting of what had once been the Mournival, at which he dueled with Garviel Loken. Though slightly wounded in the combat, Abaddon emerged the victor. Abaddon again dueled Loken on the Vengeful Spirit in the aftermath of the Battle of Molech after the Knights-Errant attempted to assassinate Horus.

He later appeared at the forefront of battles at Yarant, and in the Siege of the Imperial Palace. During the final confrontation, Abaddon fought against Terminators of the Imperial Fists Legion aboard Horus’s battle-barge, the Vengeful Spirit, and thus was not present when Horus was defeated by the Emperor. Abaddon’s anguish at the death of his “father”, drove him completely mad. Before the Sons of Horus retreated, Abaddon led a vicious counterattack that reclaimed the Warmaster’s body, before leading the retreat into the Eye of Terror.

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Shortly after the Heresy, Abaddon abandoned the Legion; broken by the death of Horus and sick of war, he wandered alone into the Eye of Terror. Meanwhile, within the Eye itself, civil war soon broke out amongst the traitor Legions. Becoming embroiled in a war against the Emperor’s Children, the Sons of Horus’ fortress of Lupercalios on Maeleum was destroyed.
The Emperor’s Children stole the corpse of Warmaster Horus himself. Eventually with the help of Fabius Bile, a number of clones of Horus were created, an act which disgusted the Sons of Horus. With the Sons of Horus in a desperate situation, warband leaders Falkus Kibre, Iskandar Khayon, and Lheorvine Ukris decided to seek out the Vengeful Spirit and Abaddon with it. With the help of the Word Bearers Sargon, they eventually found the Vengeful Spirit buried on the former Eldar world of Aas’ciaral in the Eleusinian Veil deep within the Eye of Terror. Inside they found Abaddon, who revealed he had dispatched Sargon to bring them to him.
Abaddon had become reinvigorated at the news of the cloning of Horus, and was assembling forces to end the abomination.

Find out more about Abaddon

About the Author: Zeb Barrett

I am a huge gamer from miniature war gaming, to board games, to video games. When I’m not hanging out with my son, I try to spend all of my free time gaming in some sort of way and broadcasting on Twitch with my wife. I also like to do some video editing and throw up videos on our YouTube.

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