Toughness 7 Dreadnoughts Battle a Tank Company!

space marine drop pod fenris wolves

Ding Ding Round Two with Toughness 7 Dreadnoughts, this time they drop in and versus Pask and The Emperor’s Fury.

Today, we’re bringing you a long war battle report that includes Toughness Value Dreadnoughts! For the full experience we highly recommend you hit the video. As a bonus we’ve included a quick run down of what happened.


Steel. Rain.

Tread head in effect. So Metal. No really, these are actual, honest to goodness, old-school metal models.

Turn 1

Bjorn commands from the rear, the wulfen surround the relic, and the drop pods unleash their deadly cargo right in front of the firing line.


Pask unleashes his fury into a dreadnought and deals three wounds. The Hellhammer fires danger close into the drop pod line and starts to explode drop pods, the shrapnel wounds the wulfen.


Turn 2

More drop pods come in and box in the ailing guard. The first wave of dreadnoughts are wounded but not deterred. They unleash their fury into the tank line.

The Imperial Guard surround the dreadnoughts. Despite the weakness of their rear armor, the dreadnoughts take a beating but continue forward.


Turn 3

The wulfen descend upon a lone scout tank like hungry wolves after an elk. They bring it down without remorse. Meanwhile, the remaining dreadnoughts cause the Hellhammer to explode but are caught in the tanks retribution fire.

The rest of the tank squadron unload their firepower into the wulfen, who are shredded, but manage to keep their claws on the relic.


Turn 4

The wulfen retreat behind the wall and the dreadnoughts rush toward the last three tanks remaining on the board.

The tanks outmaneuver the lumbering beasts and slay Murderfang.


Turn 5

A dreadnought slams into Pask’s tank wall but only manages to dent the tanks’ armor.

The tanks continue to outmaneuver the dreadnoughts and whittle away at them.


Turn 6

The wulfen spring their attack into Pask’s squadron and down the flank, a tank breaks down in the crater which forces Pask to rush his tank forward into the remaining wulfen. He fires into the squad but a lone wulfen holds onto the relic and refuses to be defeated.


Turn 7

Bjorn comes out of hiding and fires his Frost Cannon into Pask and destroys him. The dreadnoughts are unable to reach the immobilized tank.

The remaining tank unleashes the Punsisher Cannon into the single wulfen and finally kills him. The relic is dropped and the battle is done.