The Sky Is Falling: 8th Edition Rumors Gone Wild!

By James Rodriguez | April 6th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The rumor mill has been busy with everything surrounding 8th edition. Come see the latest rumor, a what if wishlist, and why everyone should just calm down.

We saw this when Age of Sigmar was due to be released, the rumor mill began taking over, and people started treating the rumor mongers as direct sources for news. A recent podcast from The Age of Darkness has created an uproar and people are losing their minds over a would you be happy list…

Not hey this is happening..

Not a here’s the changes for 8th..

Just a little list of “what if’s”…

Rumours abound for 8th. Would you be happy with these changes?

Rumors Abound 8th Edition

These are not facts, they are simply one individuals thoughts, and asking IF this were to happen what would you think.

But the internet is so upset at the thought of everything changing that they are being taken as facts, when that was not the intention. This literally escalated quickly, and some individuals are using it as solid state facts. Is that a good idea?

8th edition rumors



Never once has Games Workshop said anything about a “codex consolidation”, and in the example FB post above it’s off the races with speculation based on the post we just talked about: “I’ve been at this for almost two years, it’s going to happen.”

This is an example of how things get out of control, when rumors are no longer perceived as rumors.

While this is going up and people are freaking out at the thought of codecies going away, you have another site posting that their source told them that codecies aren’t going anywhere. Take a look at what Faeit 212 had to say.

Yesterday we had some rumors about Codices going the way of the Dodo. Well, we had a quick check in last night from a source that is beyond solid letting us know that this is not the case. The rest of that rumor set, we are not going to get answers for, but for at least the Codex will not vanish.

via an anonymous source (take this as solid as you can get)
Codices are not going away.
Won’t comment on any other lucky swings in that list. 

So who’s right? Does it matter? Should we all start reading these rumors posts for compression, and not just skim the post and make assumptions, like we saw happen with out square base post:

40k Shocker – Are Square Bases Really Coming to 8th Edition?



So everyone stop, take a deep breath, and relax. Games Workshop has not made any mention of anything along these lines, so nothing surrounding 8th is factual. With the exception of what we posted from Adepticon during their preview event, but we did have pictures to back it up. So let us ask the same question… What IF these changes did happen? What IF codecies did go away?

Would you be able to sleep at night?

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”