Fantasy Flight Games will be release two new unit expansions for the Daqan Lords. Let’s see how these will help them defend their lands!
When enemies of the Daqan Lords threaten their lands, Spearman and Rune Golems rise to defend the cities and destroy any enemies that come close. The Rune Golems Expansion will contain two Golem miniatures, eight upgrade cards, and a variety of tokens. Part of the upgrade cards is a new one called Wind Rune that will allow the Golems to natural energy to grant them greater mobility, using a special modifier to perform a shift and reform action.
Rune Golems Unit Expansion: $34.95
Deep within the ancient fortresses of Terrinoth stand ancient stone guardians, ever vigilant. Only awakened by Lords and Wizards who know the secrets that can imbue the golems with life when the need is dire. The strength and ferocity of these golems knows no equal, scything their massive blades through infantry and cavalry with ease. Rune Golems will stop at nothing to destroy the enemies of the Daqan, and then return to their hidden slumber until called upon again.
The Rune Golems Unit expansion features two Rune Golem Plastic Figures, one sculpt new to this expansion and one identical to the Rune Golem sculpt found in the Core set, as well as eight upgrade cards to help you build your army anyway you choose. Crush the enemies of Daqan beneath your feet with the Rune Golems Unit expansion.
The Spearman Unit Expansion contains eight spearman in two infantry move trays. This will make it perfect to expand upon. Tokens are included as well. The spearman can spend surges to receive inspiration tokens and avoid harmful bane conditions. Five upgrade cards are in the pack, including one called Triumphant Cry. This will allow the spearman to reform after they have destroyed the enemy they were locked in combat with.
Spearmen Unit Expansion: $24.95
When the fires of war threaten the land of Terrinoth, the rank-and-file of Daqan form a mighty bulwark to protect their homes, and the spearman rise to the challenge of keeping their lands safe.
The Spearmen Unit Expansion comes with eight Spearmen plastic figures and two plastic infantry movement trays to expand your Daqan army. Five additional upgrade cards for any army will give you the tools you need to push back any force. Make the enemies of Daqan fear its might with the Spearmen Unit Expansion.
Both unit expansions are set to release in the 3rd quarter of 2017. Be sure to also check out our vid on how to jump into Runewars!
For more information on the Daqan Lords and all things Runewars, visit Fantasy Flight Games!