What Models Are Next For The Custodes?

Adeptus Custodes Wal HorWe’re seeing the start of the Adeptus Custodes starting this week. But, what models are going to be coming out next? Come take a look at our predictions.

With the Adeptus Custodes releases starting this week we wanted to take a look at what we can expect to see next. Games Workshop showed off a lot of new miniatures at the New Year’s Open Day event, so what’s next?

plastic adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k

Jetbikes! These Jetbikes have been teased for a while now in the GW Rumor Engine, and we finally found out what the images belonged to during New Year’s Open Day. Although we don’t know a release date yet, let alone a price, we can expect to see these in the near future.

plastic adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k

Plastic Custodian Guard with paragon blades (30k name) or I guess perhaps the new Castellan Axe that they may be called now in 40k were also previewed at the event, and since then we haven’t heard anything else on them.

So, one can imagine that we’ll be getting a preview of these guys this week as GW teases the new codex, with a release shortly after.

A multi-part Contemptor is also a possibility, though we don’t know for sure, and, Games Workshop hasn’t mentioned anywhere that we have seen.

Is this Cotnemtptor that was spotted at Open Day a kitbash or a new kit altogether?

Custodes Dreadnought

The parts blocked off in red look to be part of a cut-up vexilla from the current Custodian Guard kit, but then again it could just be similar parts cut and pasted off a 3D design as well.

Custodes Vexilla

So we might be seeing the Jetbikes and new plastic Cusdodes with Axes coming out in the next wave of releases, but we don’t know for sure. We will be putting out the latest updates as Games Workshop continues to show off the new codex, so make sure you check back in with us later today to find out more.

What do you think will be coming out next for the Adeptus Custodes? Is that Dreadnought a new mini or simply a kitbash? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

plastic adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k

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About the Author: Juan Lopez