Today we’re getting a look inside the covers of the Death Battletome: Legions of Nagash as one lucky hobbyist has posted up images of the rules and Warscolls from the book! itself!
Yesterday we got the announcement that Death Battletome: Legions of Nagash was going up for pre-order, and today we’re getting a look at all of the rules found inside. Let’s take a look at some of the Warscrolls that were just spotted over on Runebrush’s Blog.
Nagash is coming out of the gate with a 9″ Move, 3+ Save, 16 Wounds, and 10 Bravery. He has a good mix of both close range and long range attacks with his Gaze of Nagash doing D6 damage with a -1 rend at a 12″ range, or the Alakanash attack which has a 3″ range, -3 Rend, and does D6 damage. But where Nagash is really going to help you out is with his The Nine Books of Nagash Ability. This ability allows Nagash to cast extra spells in your Hero Phase, and at full health, he gets to cast and unbind 5 extra spells. Alakanash is also going to be giving him a +3 to cast and unbind while at full health to help ensure you get the spells off you want, and unbind your opponents spells.
Arkhan the Black has a 16″ Move at full health, 4+ Save, 11 Wounds, and 10 Bravery. In addition to 4 different attacks, he’s also coming with a slew of abilities. Fly is going to make it a little harder for your opponent to hit him and with Deathly Invocation healing D3 wounds to four different Summonable units with 18″ of your choosing you’re going to want to keep him alive as long as possible.
Neferata is going to be Flying across the table with a 16″ Move at full health, 11 Wounds, 4+ Save, and 10 Bravery. Negradon’s Skeletal Claws is going to be an attack that will make your opponent think twice about getting in close. It’s coming with a 1″ range, 6 Attacks (at full health), 4+ Hit, 3+ Wound, -2 Rend, and does 2 Damage. As if that’s not enough, the Dagger of Jet is going to give you a chance of instantly slaying your opponent on a 6+ if you inflict any wounds on a model with the Akmet-Har but do not slay it.
Mannfred is also a Flying unit with a 16″ Move at full health. He’s coming with a 4+ Save, 11 Wounds, 10 Bravery, and four different attacks. Ghelstvor has the possibility of being devastating to your opponent with a 1″ Range, 4 Attacks at full health, 3+ Hit. 3+ Wound, -2 Rend, does D3 Damage, and with the Mortach of Night ability, you’ll get a +1 to Hit and Wound rolls if Mannfred successfully cast any spells during your Hero phase.
The Knight of Shrouds has been one of the new models Games Workshop has been using throughout the new Malign Portents previews, and today we’re finally getting a look at his rules. He’s coming with a 6″ Move, 4+ Save, 5 Wounds, 10 Bravery, and one attack that has a 1″ Range, 4 Attacks, 3+ to Hit/Wound, -1 Rend, and does 2 Damage. His Etheral ability is going to allow him to ignore both positive and negative modifiers when making save rolls, Stolen Hours is going to heal 1 wound on him every time an enemy Hero is slain by his Sword of Stolen Hours, and he also has a command ability that will give Nighthaunts wholly within 9″ a +1 to hit in the combat phase.
All in all these Warscrolls are making Death seem like a really good army to start playing. This is only a few of the Warscrolls that have been revealed so make sure you head over to Runebrush’s Blog to check out the rest.
Announced by Games Workshop as part of their opening salvo of news from the New Year’s Open day festivities, the Battletome: Legions of Nagash promises to have Death players wanting to learn more. Let’s take a look at what they had to say.
While the Malign Portents remain as mysterious as ever, one thing is certain – something great and terrible is rising in Shyish, and Nagash is behind it. This year promises to be a huge one for Death players, and we’re getting things started with Legions of Nagash, a new battletome with not one – but SIX! – allegiances within.
Battletome: Legions of Nagash is designed to make sure that Death players have just as many options as their counterparts. Inside, you’ll find the warscrolls for every single Death model (so far…) alongside four new Allegiances within Death – the Grand Host of Nagash, Legion of Shadows, Legion of Sacrament and Legion of Blood. You’ll also find rules for the Soulblight vampires…
..There are also rules for those who pledge themselves more generally to the powers of Death. …Each allegiance, while using a mixed pool of Death units, will feature its own unique in-game mechanics and abilities.
There is also an accompanying trailer for Battletome: Legion of Nagash to convey the true sense that Death will reign in the Mortal Realms.
Adding to the wonderful theme of Death are images of the heroes that have been featured for Malign Portent. While very little is still known about what Malign Portents is, we can still appreciate some good looking models. Shout out to Garro on Facebook for these images!
Just by looking a the bases and the sprue at the top of the image, one can tell that these kits will be push fits. sadly, If you would like to know more about these characters, visit Malign Portents.
What do you think about the new rules for Death? Are you going to be starting a new army? Let us know in the comments below.