The Gladiators are teaming up to finish off the Rebels for good in Star Wars Armada. Get ready to feel the burn from this Insidious/ Demolisher duo.
This Gladiator is packing some serious backup. The Gladiator-I is often used as a close-range brawler ship, complimented by its maneuverability and its massive offensive punch. The Gladiator titles make them even more formidable in their assault on Rebel ships.
Demolisher is the most feared Gladiator in Armada space. The main selling point of Armada is that ships may fire first and then maneuver. Demolisher turns this on its head by being able to attack after it has moved. This simple mechanic results in an advantage that cannot be ignored to to its useful and effective nuance.
Assault Proton Torpedoes is a powerful ordnance upgrade that can punch through enemy shields and deliver a critical damage that can cripple ships. Its armament of 4 black dice in its sides and 2 black/ 2 red can result in massive burst damage, only to be further complicated by face-up damage cards.
Since Demolisher has to get in close to take full advantage of its offensive power, it can sometimes be left vulnerable. With Captain Brunson at the helm, you can boost the Demolisher defense greatly. While defending at distance 1-2 of an obstacle, you may exhaust Captain Brunson to cancel 1 attack die.
This can cause a big impact by canceling out double damage red dice or critical damage black dice that could be threatening Demolisher.
It’s a big enough threat to face off against, but another Gladiator can really cause a ruckus. The Gladiator-II is not used as often, but it can still pack a surprise punch, especially with Insidious.
Insidious is a title upgrade for a Gladiator that works in a unique way. The black dice in your batter armaments can be used at medium range, but this effect only applies while attacking the rear hull zone of a ship. It’s best to use this title as a surprise effect that can catch an enemy ship off guard.
Used in this way, Insidious can follow behind Demolisher. Once the enemy ship has attempted to dodge Demolisher’s further assaults, Insidious lies in wait.
Hopefully, you can catch an enemy’s rear hull zone as it attempts to dodge Demolisher side arcs!
Assault Concussion Missiles can be a powerful ordnance upgrade for Insidious. If you are able to catch an enemy ship’s rear hull zone, you can deal 1 additional damage to adjacent hull zones; hull zones that have taken a beating from Demolisher. This can add up damage fast and can see enemy ships fall quickly.
In order to keep Insidious in an advantageous position, the Grand Inquisitor can lend his talent to track Rebel prey.
When an enemy ship at distance 1-5 changes its speed, you may exhaust the Inquisitor to increase or decrease your speed by 1.This can allow you to proactively change speed to intercept the enemy ship that is attempting to dodge the Demolisher.
Use the Gladiator tag team to hunt down Rebel ships that attempt to escape your grasp.