Exclusive Warhammer 40k Munchkin Cards SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | October 9th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Exclusive Warhammer 40k Munchkin Cards SPOTTED

Munchkin 40k is on the way for 2019 and the artist shared a quick preview of what we’ll be seeing in the game. Come see the latest from John Kovalic!

Munchkin is an incredibly fun board game that blends different universes with extreme amounts of comedy. Steve Jackson Games makes these games and decided that 40k deserved a Munchkin twist!

So What is Munchkin?

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Like we said before, Munchkin is probably one of the most fun board games you’ll ever play. It’s basically an adventure game where all the players will try to level up and get through the end without dying to a horrible “monster” or getting stabbed in the back by their friends. You can pick up random equipment and help your buddies or completely screw them over. Remember, it’s all about your personal gain in the end!

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Munchkin has a board game for just about any setting you can think of. Classic DND style, Western, and Cthulu just to name a few. Very soon, Warhammer 40k will be added to the list. So what’s the word on the 40k version?

Exclusive Warhammer 40k Munchkin Cards SPOTTED

John Kovalic, is hugely popular in the nerd world for writing the Dork Tower comic strips and illustrating the Munchkin card games for Steve Jackson. He just added something worth sharing to his Patreon!

munchkin peek


His latest post contains three cards that are of “monsters” you’ll have to take down one way or another in the game. This time however they are of popular 40k characters that we all know and love!

They were just spotted over on his Patreon as an exclusive for supporters, so we will respect John’s content and not show them here.

But for an exclusive look at what’s on the way for this game you can support him for a look at these another upcoming exclusves as well.

munchkin 40k box

The 40k universe has always been Grimdark. Get ready for that same level of darkness mixed with wordplay and puns! The game is scheduled to hit shelves sometime in 2019. Until then, make sure you support the company and keep an eye out for even more previews.

Have you ever played a game of Munchkin? Will you be grabbing the 40k version when it gets released? What classes do you think they’ll have in the game? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.