Creature Caster’s Queen of Ecstasy Finally Available

By Wesley Floyd | November 1st, 2018 | Categories: Creature Caster, Tabletop Gaming Products

Queen of Ecstasy Creature Caster

You’ve probably heard a lot of talk about this model, but it’s finally available for order. check out the details on the latest model from Creature Caster.

Creature Caster is a resin model-making company that has really been pumping the highest quality miniatures into the market for some time now. You may have seen the King of Ruin which was their last model. However, they’re not slowing down for the holiday season. Kicking off their “Queen” line, the Queen of Ecstasy is finally here!

Queen of Ecstasy $109.00

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The Queens of Ecstasy are the most powerful embodiments of their faction. They command legions of lesser demons who are slavishly dedicated to them. The demons of Ecstasy, and those who have devoted themselves to their cause, exist in a state that is beyond mundane reality. They joyously partake in extreme acts of frenzied debauchery and excess. Their euphoria takes them beyond the bounds of reason, and they impulsively indulge in any act that takes their fancy.

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The Queen is clad in elegant, yet haunting faces of mixed emotions all over her body. Her “hair” twists and coils around her figure as she indulges herself in anything that gets her attention. This model is the perfect centerpiece for any army that is demon-centric.

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Queen of Ecstasy

The jewelry is removable and the Queen even comes with an alternate head option. Which option do you like more?

queen of ecstasy bits

The model is finally available and is made completely out of resin. It’s actually bigger than you think too!

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Check out the scale of the model when it’s held up to a Khorne Bloodthirster from Forge World.

The Queen really stands out of the crowd just on her size alone.

If you want the full breakdown on Creature Caster’s latest mini, take a look at this video review from Rob himself.

What do you think of Creature Caster’s new model? Is this your favorite one done so far? Will you be picking one up for your collection? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.