Leia’s Scouts: Star Wars Armada Fleet Build

By Barclay Montgomery | December 12th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

MC30c Frigate

Leia is back again, commanding yet another killer Rebel fleet in Armada. These MC30’s will be able to dish out the hurt and take it too! MC30c Scout Frigate

Commander Leia is back to lend her leadership to a trio of MC30 Scout Frigates. These small and nimble ships will fly in a formation and deal out damage as they make their way across the battle space. Their side batteries will be used to most effect since they will fly in a strafing pattern to broadside continuously.

2 red dice from their side arcs may not be as devastating as the forward battery of Cymoon ISD, but with 3 MC30s and overlapping fields of fire, they should punch above their weight-class. Leia Organa

Leia is ready to boost the command value of these MC30 Scouts. By being able to essentially have a phantom command token with every command dial, the MC30s can choose to concentrate fire and get 3 red dice with a re-roll. Leia may favor ships with a command value of 1, but with proper planning, the command value of 2 on the MC30s can be used to reveal concentrate fire and engineering back to back once the fighting starts. Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet

The MC30 has plenty of shields for a small ship, and the Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet title on all 3 can make them tank tons of damage. As an engineering command, you may choose and exhaust another copy of this card on a friendly ship at distance 1-4. If you do, you gain 2 additional engineering points.

With a Leia engineering command, you will get 5 engineering points and 2 more with the Exodus Fleet title for a total of 7 engineering points. This is a massive defensive boost that can have you healing 2 damage cards in one activation! Enhanced Armament

Now that the defenses are covered, Leia needs to boost their offensive output. The old standby Enhanced Armament will have your MC30s blasting away at those Imperial ships. Each side arc will be pushing out 4 red dice with a re-roll on each of your concentrate fire commands. If flying in a tight formation, these ships will be able to bring all 12 red dice on a target ship and bring it down fast.Gunnery Team

The key to taking down the big Imperial ships is consistency. Gunnery Team will help you take out the smaller Imperial ships that may try and cut off your formation flying.

Being able to split your fire between 2 ships in range of your turbolasers will have the enemy fleet reeling. Just remember that one of your shots will have one less die due to concentrate fire command, but keep hammering those ships and you will make it out with Leia and her Scouts!

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About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.