Cham Syndulla Slam: Star Wars Armada Build

By Barclay Montgomery | February 13th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


Rebel operatives are seizing the controls and heading straight for the Imperial fleet in Star Wars Armada. Take out their commanders and victory will be secured!

Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette

The Hammerhead is seen as a point and click type of ship for the Rebel fleet in Armada, and its hardiness and willingness to get in close and trade hits cannot be denied. With a forward battery of 1 red, 1 blue, and 1 black die, the Hammerhead Torpedo variant prefers to get in close and deliver its payload. Its defensive suite allows for some damage mitigation at longer ranges, but once at medium to close range, the Hammerhead needs to deliver its punch and escape before its 5 hull points can be overwhelmed. Cham Syndulla

Since getting in close is a dangerous and fleeting affair, its best to make use of your attacks at close range. Cham Syndulla is on board this Hammerhead, waiting to pounce and destroy the commanders of the Empire. When you reveal a command, you may spend 1 squadron token and Cham’s card to select an enemy ship at close range and you may choose a new command for each command dial assigned to that ship. This can take out the bridge of an Imperial Star Destroyer on the level that even Grand Admiral Thrawn could not predict or recover from! Damage Control Officer

As stated before, the Hammerhead can be vulnerable at close ranges, especially with brawler type, close range ships that wish to take out Cham’s Hammerhead before he can deliver his coordinated strike. A Damage Control Officer can help keep your Hammerhead a little safer as this turns your Contain defense token into a crit cancel button. When you resolve the contain defense effect, you may prevent the attacker form resolving any critical effects. No Advanced Proton Torpedoes or Assault Concussion Missiles crits are getting through on this little guy.

External Racks

After Cham has boarded his target ship and wreaked havoc, its time to use the External Racks! This super nifty ordnance upgrade is a quick hit and run weapon. At close range, you may discard External Racks to add 2 black dice to your attack pool. A forward battery attack of 5 dice is nothing to take lightly and after attacking, this Hammerhead can escape and find other targets of opportunity.

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