Fake Rumors? Mephiston 40k Datasheet Hoax Alert

hoax alert mephiston psychic awakeningThe cat is out of the bag on Mephiston’s new Primaris model, but this rumor datasheet could be a clever fake. 40k’s latest hoax alert.

If you missed it, Mephiston and a few other Blood Angel characters had their new datasheets revealed, updated with litany/Primaris rules. However, while the litany rules for Lemartes and Astorath look legit, Mephiston might have a small verbiage error that could mean his datasheet was faked.

Fake Rumors? Mephiston 40k Datasheet Hoax Alert

primaris mephiston


primaris mephiston datasheet

While this new datasheet gave Mephiston an extra wound and attack (Which is what’s usual for characters switching to Primaris), one small word is pointing to this being fake. On his plasma pistol’s overcharged profile, it says the bearer is destroyed. Unless this is GW turning over a new leaf on the way they word their rules, time and time again, we’ve only seen the word slain when it comes to things that autokill in-game.

Hellblaster datasheet

For a quick example. all the different forms of plasma Hellblasters can get still says the model is slain when the gun is supercharged.

So if this IS fake, we have something to look forward to. Probably one of the biggest turn-offs to Mephistons datasheet is that it said we had to pull Psychic Powers from the Codex: Blood Angels. The Blood Angels powers certainly aren’t bad, but you’d expect some new psychic shenanigans to hit the game in an expansion series called Psychic Awakening AND when a new model is introduced.

With all of this out on the table, do you think the datasheet is fake? Would you like to see new Psychic Powers come to the Blood Angels?

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