All 11 GW Christmas 2019 Battleforce Bundles Values & Savings

2019 AoS & 40k Christmas Battleforce Bundles Values & SavingsDon’t miss the values savings on the 11 Holiday Battleforces (4 Aos, 6 40k, and 1 AT) that GW previewed for Christmas 2019!

If you were wanting to give your army a boost or start off on the right foot with a brand new faction, these Battleforces are probably the way to go.

Looking at the Battleforces previewed from Warhammer Community, we actually got an early heads up that these were coming in the recent wave of holiday release rumors. We’ll be using the prices on the product sheet we saw earlier which have since been basically confirmed with these latest previews.

Look for them to be released on December 7th, 2019.

Age of Sigmar Battleforces

Aos chrismas battlforces sigmar boxes and bundles banner

Stormcast Eternals Exorcism Soulstrike $185



  • Lord Exorcist $35
  • 2x 3-man Evocators on Dracolines $120 total
  • 5-man Evocators $60
  • 10-man Sequitor Squad $60

Total MSRP: $275

Total Savings: $90

Skaven Corrupting War-Swarm $200

battleforce skaven

  • Verminlord Corruptor $100
  • 20-man Clanrats $35
  • 20-man Plague Monks $35
  • Plagueclaw $35
  • Screaming Bell $65 (comes with Plague Monk model)
  • Grey Seer $25

Total MSRP: $295

Total Savings: $95

Nighthaunt Court of the Craven King $185

battleforce nighthaunt

  • Kurdoss Valentian, Craven King $45
  • 10-man Chainrasp Hordes $40
  • 10-man Grimghast Reapers $45
  • 5-man Hexwraiths $35
  • 10-man Dreadscythe Harridans $45
  • 10-man Bladegheist Revenants $45

Total MSRP: $255

Total Savings: $70

Gloomspite Gitz Caveshroom Loonz $185

battleforce gloomspite gitz

  • 3-man Rockgut Troggoths $60
  • 5-man Fanatics $40
  • 2x 5-man Squig Hoppers/Bounderz $50 total
  • Loonboss on Mangler Squig $80
  • Loonboss $30

Total MSRP: $260

Total Savings: $75

Looking at all of these Battleforces, they either bring a bunch of new units (like Stormcast) or are a recent faction that’s been overhauled this year. All in all, these Battleforces all look good. The biggest savings comes from the Skaven Battleforce although it is the most expensive. Plus, some Battleforces are better equipped to supply battlelines than others. You’ll definitely need to expand in more battleline options if you move on from these boxes.

40k chrismas battlforces chrismas battlforces sigmar boxes and bundles banner title

Blood Angels Crimson Spear Strike Force $185

blood angels battleforce 2019

  • 10-man Primaris Intercessors $60
  • 5-man Death Company $35
  • Sanguinary Guard  $40 
  • Baal Predator $60
  • Chaplain With Jump Pack $33
  • Terminator Captain $33

This box is coming with quite a few squads. But with 8th edition rules, the Sanguinary Ancient is a separate character from the normal Sanguinary Guard unit. You’re actually getting three characters and a single 4-man squad of Sanguinary Guard now (if you build them that way).

Total MSRP: $261

Total Savings $76

Tyranids Bioswarm $185

battleforce tyranids

  • Carnifex Brood $90
  • Hive Tyrant $60
  • 12-man Termagant Brood $35
  • 12-man Hormagaunt Brood $35
  • 8-man Genestealers $35
  • 10-man Gargoyle Brood $35

Total MSRP: $290

Total Savings: $105

Tau Empire Starclaimer Hunter Cadre $170

battleforce tau

  • Coldstar Commander $55
  • 3-man Stealth Suit Squad $30
  • 3-man Crisis Battlesuit Squad $75
  • 10-man Fire Warrior Strike Team $50
  • Devilfish $40

Total MSRP: $250

Total Savings: $80

Space Wolves Talons of Morkai $170

battleforce space wolves

  • 5-man Wulfen Squad $60
  • 10-man Intercessors $60
  • Stormwolf $81
  • Ironpriest $30

Total MSRP: $231

Total Savings: $61

Drukhari Poisonblade Raiding Party $185

battleforce dark eldar

  • Archon $25
  • 2x 10-man Kabalite Warriors $70 (total)
  • Venom $35
  • 3-man Reavers $40
  • Talos $55
  • Razorwing Jetfighter $50

Total MSRP: $275

Total Savings: $90 (Basically the price of a Start Collecting)

Chaos Space Marines Vengeance Warband $170

battleforce chaos marine

  • 5-man Terminator Squad $60
  • 10-man Chaos Marine Squad $60 
  • Havoc Squad $55
  • Chaos Rhino $40
  • Terminator Lord $30

Total MSRP: $245

Total Value: $75

Adeptus Titanicus Knight Household Battleforce $130

Last, but certainly not least, there are big savings to be had with Tiny Titans!

Titanicus box


Titanicus models

Coming inside this Battleforce, you’re getting:

  • 2x 3-man Questoris Knights $70
  • 2x 2-man Cerastus Knights $70
  • 1x 2-man Acastus (Porphyrion) Knights $50

Total MSRP: $190

Total Savings: $60

Essentially, by buying this bundle, you’re getting a free kit of Porphyrions and the tax covered. This is a pretty nice deal as far as monetary savings and units go as every unit in this bundle is totally usable and is actually quite competitive.

However, you’ll want to probably grab another bundle to really flesh out your list if you’re planning on swarming the table with a bunch of smaller models. Otherwise, if you’ve already got some giant Warlords standing by, this box might be the perfect back-up force to support them in-game.

2019 battleforces

With the prices now revealed we’ve seen a corresponding scale of savings for price. The highest savings came from the Tyranid Battleforce with the Drukhari Box just behind. Overall, these are all fairly popular armies in 40k and come with a decent chunk of units to get somebody started off on the right foot. Each one of these boxes allows the player to make a Patrol Detachment at the very least. However, some are closer to filling out Battalions (like the Blood Angels Box) than others.

2019 aos battleforces

With these values covered, which box will you be picking up? Will you be starting a new faction or just adding on to your already-existing collection?