This free printable scoring sheet is one of the best around track your 9th Edition Warhammer 40k games!
Goonhammer was looking for data about how going first with the recent changes is affecting results. But there aren’t a ton of tournaments going on, so they wanted to kill two birds with one stone. This sheet will allow you to keep track of your games at smaller events and hopefully, help build up the data they need to make the great statistics they are always releasing- as you can upload it after each game.
It can even be used for your home games as well,- they’ll even take data on that. Hey, can’t hurt to have more data!
If you want to download the sheet, you can go grab it here. If somehow you don’t know about Goonhammer by now, you should also go check out their great articles that break down the statistics of Warhammer games like nobody else!
For now, let’s jump into the sheet!
Great 40k Printable Scoring Sheet from Goonhammer
Dont print this one, the quality sucks, go to Goonhammer directly to get a good copy.
We’ve also gotten requests for a printable custom score sheet for 9th edition games (the one in the GT 2020 Mission Pack, while serviceable, is far from ideal). So we’ve decided to (hopefully) kill two birds with one stone. We’ve already asked tournament organizers to send us data for their events on which players went first each round, but if you’re looking for a helpful way to track that for a small event, or you just want a better score sheet to work with when you play, we’ve got you covered.
This printable score sheet has everything you need to track for primary and secondary scoring, with a few extra bells and whistles to make tracking your games easier. Give it a download and let us know what you think! And if you’re feeling frisky, shoot us an email with the results of your games along with the size of the game played, factions, and whether it was at an event or a casual game. We’re always interested in more data.
We would also recommend laminating this so you can just keep using the same sheet with erasable markers, or you can just put it in a plastic page protector for a 3-ring binder.
Any way you look at it, it’s just a really cool free resource to help your games run smoothly. We use it in all our games here too!
Have you been looking for a printable scoring sheet like this? Have you played any local tournaments?
Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!