Top Homebrew 40k Army Lists: Wizards GT Tournament

space-marines-9th-edition wal horTwo more off-meta 40k army lists emerged in the Wizards GT Tournament, which of these do you like more in 9th Edition?

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out these awesome homebrew lists that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and just goes to show that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.


Top Homebrew 40k Army Lists: Wizards GT Tournament

best coast pairings

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Wizards GT Tournament: Ben Cherwien- Black Templars

black templars wal hor logo


Ben Cherwien wizards black templar 1First up with Ben’s list, we see a pretty on theme Black Templar army, running lots of their exclusive models. The list is lead by Grimaldus, Helbrecht, and a Primaris Chaplain on Bike. These three characters provide buffs like re-rolls, healing, and extra Quality of Life type buffs to help squeeze the most value out of the other army models. Not to mention Helbrecht is kind of a beat-stick.

For troops, there are three stock Crusader squads with melee loadouts. These aren’t too expensive and are decent units, nothing too amazing.

Ben Cherwien wizards black templar 2Elites bring some Cenobyte Servitors, which don’t take up a slot thanks to Grimaldus being on the list. They also have the neat benefit of giving nearby units a 4+ FNP for mortal wounds, which can come in clutch. A Primaris Apothecary provides some extra support and healers to keep your squads topped off.

A full 10 man Assault Terminator Squad with Hammers and Shields gives the list a pretty sturdy and heavy-hitting unit that can kill nearly anything in the game with att full strength. The Vanguard Veteran Squad provides similar uses but with the addition of jump packs for more mobility to abuse around the field.

Fast Attacks have 4 Attack Bikes (cheaper ATVs) running Multi-melta for some decent anti-armor of a very mobile body. and 5 Inceptors give another extremely hard-hitting weapon to help take out large armor units with the Plasma Exterminators.

Ben Cherwien wizards black templar 3Lastly, a single Whirlwind provides the list a touch of chaff clearing in the shooting phase without having to invest too many points.

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Wizards GT Tournament: David Arimond- Space Wolves


David Arimond wizard space wolves 1

The Space Wolves list piloted by David is a single detachment lead by Terminator Librarian and a Primaris Chapter Master. Each of these is pretty sturdy and decent combatants that give the list some bonus re-rolls and psychic support via Living Lightning and Murderous Hurricane.

Troops see three squads of Intercessors running Power Fists on the Sergeants just in case they need to get in Melee every now and then.

David Arimond wizard space wolves 2Elites see a total of 8 Bladeguard Veterans, which are pretty good melee-focused units that are cheap, and hard to take down. A single Company Champion provides a character hunter that has a great stat line and can 1v1 most unnamed characters with ease.

David Arimond wizard space wolves 3Two squads of Wolf Guard Terminators provide 12 hard to deal with bodies that are pretty flexible thanks to running claws and shields.

David Arimond wizard space wolves 4Lastly, for Heavy Support, the list has two squads of Missile launcher Long Fangs. These give a good weapon that can be used to clear chaff or target vehicles, with relative success in each scenario thanks to blast and high strength respectively. They also have a Wolf Guard babysitter to tank as well.

Overall these lists offer a little bit of a different approach but we like them because of their all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta. Even better they got great results from the players who piloted them! It’s also very encouraging when a player is able to play a widely considered “underpowered” army or list style so effectively.

What do you think about these homebrew 40k army lists from last weekend that caught our eye?

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About the Author: Andrew Schrank

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Andrew Schrank

Job Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.