GW Reveals New 40k Orks Weapons Rules!

By Travis Pasch | July 14th, 2021 | Categories: Orks, rules, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new-orks-rulesDo you feel like you just can’t get enough Dakka? Well, the new 40k Orks weapons rules let them keep the bullets flying- check it out!

Warhammer Community just unveiled a bunch of new weapon profiles and they have a new rule to go along with them, called Dakka! Basically, every weapon is getting more shots, so if you love rolling a ton of dice, this new book looks to be for you. If you haven’t been keeping up to speed, you can check out all the previous rules and minis previewed here.

Now, let’s get into the rules!

GW Reveals New 40k Orks Weapons Rules!

Beast SnaggasJust remember, they are going to release the codex early to people who buy the Beast Snaggas box, so if you want those sweet, sweet new rules, you’ll need to get that box! It has been allocated pretty heavily, so if you want it, be sure to get to your store or hop on the pre-order early! 


Dakka WeaponsDakka weapons generate solid damage output overall, but particularly reward Orks that gamble and get in real close before pulling the trigger – even Orks with guns want to get as close to a good scrap as they possibly can. Dakka gets even scarier when you look at really big guns.

This is kind of like Rapid Fire, but most times the attacks don’t double, just go up by a different ratio.

Mork’s Roar

Morks RoarFor instance, Ghazghkull’s already-spectacular Mork’s Roar goes from Assault 12 to Dakka 16/12 – a significant uptick. Likewise, the Gorkanaut’s deffstorm mega-shoota moves from a Heavy 18 to a frankly alarming Dakka 30/20. Yes, that’s 30 Strength-6 shots within 18” – considerably more than most Orks can be bothered to count.

Getting 16 shots is nice, but the Gorkanaut getting 30 shots is really insane!

New Weapon Profiles

New 40k Orks Weapons RulesEven the humble Boyz get a considerable boost, with big shootaz moving from a perfectly decent Assault 3 to Dakka 5/3, and regular shootaz switching from Assault 2 to Dakka 3/2, making them significantly more lethal at close range. 

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The Big Shootaz going up to 5 shots at 18″ will give a unit with a few of them some crazy number of shots, as we said, you’ll have to have a ton of dice to play with these new rules!

New 40k Orks Weapons Rules wThe weapon upgrades don’t end there – Ork ranged weaponry has improved almost across the board, but new-style rokkits really shine. Rokkit launchas, rokkit kannons and kustom mega-blastas get more shots and that all-important Blast keyword.

You will be getting more shots on these, but moving them all to heavy basically guarantees you’ll be hitting on 6’s most of the time. Still, you could get lucky and get way more shots when standing still.

Kustom Mega Blasta and Bubblechukka

New 40k Orks Weapons Rules 2This is just a straight upgrade to get more shots, meaning you’ll actually be able to hit more with this super powerful weapon!

New 40k Orks Weapons Rules 3So now instead of rolling a D6 for shots, Strength, AP, and damage and hoping for the best, you simply roll a D3 to get one of three intensely painful weapon profiles. Our tactical recommendation is this: do everything in your power to stay out of the way of the dense bubble.

This really simplifies the gun, instead of rolling everything random, you just roll one die. To us, rolling the 2 seems like the most consistent way to deal heavy damage, but if you get lucky with the 3, it deals insane single target damage.

Are you excited about the 40k Orks weapons rules shown so far? Will you be trying to get the Beast Snagga Box?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

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Travis Pasch

Job Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!