All the New Dark Angels That Are On The Way in 2024

azrael dark angels kharn smDon’t miss the latest rumors and reveals for all the new Dark Angels 40k miniatures from their 10th Edition codex book in 2024.

Considering the Lion has come back into the picture, Azrael went the Primaris route, and they have a codex dropping in 2024. Many of the new models will be focused on the Deathwing, which also makes sense with the newly redesigned scale on the Terminator models in 10th.  Some things in this list we’ll dive into are rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need! While they might make sense, nothing is confirmed until Games Workshop says it is!



New Belial 40k Model & Deathwing Assault Army Launch Box, Inner Circle Companions: (December 25th, 2023)

new dark angels deathwing assault belial inner circle companions codex

The rumors were true; Belial is returning to master a new Deathwing Assault army launch box set for the Dark Angels alongside more new kits! We had been hearing about the return of Asmodai and Belial to Warhammer 40k with new Primaris-sized miniatures!

Let’s look at the latest on the new Belial model, Deathwing Assault Army Launch Box Set, their Inner Circle Companions, Dark Angels upgrade sprues, and more!  Warhammer Community gifted the latest on the new Dark Angels models on Christmas Day 2023. This follows Azrael’s reveal one year earlier on the same day in 2022.

belial video

You can also build Belial with his hood pulled down – presumably so heretics and traitors can see the face of the one casting them back into the Warp. This miniature oozes implacable confidence, an unstoppable force that crushes its way through enemy lines with bone-white ranks of Terminators at his back.


Belial, Master of the Deathwing Dark Angels

Belial, Master of the Deathwing Dark Angels 1

Belial is coming with two different build options based on this. There is no comparison to his old Finecast miniature. This new design is more dynamic yet mysterious than ever before. It also appears that his Stormbolter was indeed an Advent Engine teaser and not Commissar Yarrick’s.


Old Belial Model (Early 2010’s)

New Inner Circle Companions Revealed

inner circle companions video

The Dark Angels are secrecy incarnate, and the Inner Circle Companions are a mystery even to the Grand Masters of the Unforgiven Chapters. What is known is that they began to appear shortly after the return of Lion El’Jonson, safeguarding the Chapter’s mightiest heroes – Captains, Librarians, and legendary figures like Asmodai – with great sweeps of their Calibanite greatswords.

Inner Circle Companions 1 Inner Circle Companions 2 Inner Circle Companions 3

Quite where they come from and why they choose to bodyguard their charges is left unknown, as the Companions fight in complete silence save for the whine of their power armour and rare, highly encrypted messages between their brothers.

Inner Circle Companions 4

Games Workshop introduced a new unit type for the Dark Angels for their 10th Edition release. These appear to be bodyguards to characters and may function like the Bladeguard veterans from the Codex Marine chapters. They will, of course, have some Unforgiven flair to them as well.  Fighting in silence is always a scary prospect to witness, especially for the enemies of the Imperium.

Deathwing Assault Army Launch Box

new dark angels deathwing assault

The Deathwing Assault army box gives you Belial himself, five Deathwing Knights, 10 Terminators, two complete sets of Dark Angels upgrades, dataslate cards, and the full codex supplement with a cover exclusive to this set.* That’s a whole lot of elite assault troops packed into one box, a great way to start your own Dark Angels army – and the first place you’ll be able to get hold of the contents.

deathwing assault box set

Another launch army box set is here, this time dubbed Deathwing Assault. That name gives off major Space Hulk vibes as the moniker of their favored method of attacking their enemies. The Deathwing Assault should have good value as the exclusive codex and accessories usually end up being “free” over the retail price of the Army launch box.

Dark Angels New Codex & Upgrade Sprues 

dark angels deathwing upgrades

...there’s a comprehensive new set of upgrades and transfers on the way with hooded helmets, sculpted shoulder pads, and other paraphernalia to transform your characters, Intercessors, Terminators, and Outriders into true sons of Caliban.

Games Workshop also points out the Plasma Cannon for the Deathwing and the new sculpt for the Watcher in this Dark Angels Upgrade set. Judging from the Army box images, at least two of these upgrade sets will come in the Deathwing Assault Army box.

Along with the exclusive cover inside the new Deathwing Assault Launch Box Set, this is the new cover for the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Dark Angels Codex.

dark angels codex

We always love seeing Games Workshop update older models. Now the Dark Angels will look at home next to their primaris brethren. We hope to see the Sons of Sanguinius get the same treatment in 10th Edition as well.

Dark Angels Deathwing Knights & Asmodai Crashing into Warhammer 40k: (November 17th 2023)

More new terminators are on the way, as Dark Angels Deathwing Knights and Asmodai are on a collision course with Warhammer 40k!

Dark Angels Deathwing KnightsThis is such a classic model, not only on the tabletop but also in the game’s lore! The new Asmodai has a ton of detail on the model and all the smoke you could ask for (or no smoke if you dont feel like painting it!). If you’re going to interrogate your enemies, you can’t do much better than Asmodai!

Dark Angels Deathwing Knights

Dark Angels Deathwing Knights


Dark Angels Deathwing Knights

New Deathwing Knights Terminators

Dark Angels Deathwing KnightsThey mentioned in the stream they come with all the bits to equip all fice models with each set of weapons or hotted heads, which is nice as it adds more value to the kit! You can even arm all of them with swords, and with so many new minis, we expect them to get some love in the codex.

Dark Angels Deathwing Knights

Dark Angels Deathwing KnightsEither way, the new kit looks fantastic, and we expect plenty of people to pick this up and lead the Dark Angels to victory!

Hidden in Plain Sight: New Dark Angels Ezekiel Model? (January 16th, 2024)

The (possible) Ezekiel model was spotted in a picture from Warhammer Community.

New Dark Angels Ezekiel 2

When you first look at the picture, nothing may jump out as being new or hidden at first. However, when you look in the upper left, there is a model that caught our eye!

New Dark Angels EzekielFirst off, we want to say Ezekiel because it would be cool to have a new model and the splashes of blue and that pose that stand out.

Current Finecast Ezekiel Model

Ezekiel is the Chief Librarian of the Dark Angels and is also known as the Grand Master of Librarians, Keeper of the Book of Salvation, and Holder of the Keys. It would make sense for them to update him now, as he’s quite an old model. Plus, with so much getting updated for the Dark Angels, it would seem strange for him not to get updated now. Because if not now, when will they do it?

The model in the zoomed-in image above has the same blue with the green shoulder pad, the same posing, and plenty of laurels. Two more curious things are a book and keys on his waist. It’s hard to tell, but one thing that seems missing is the banner (unless it’s blending into the background).

New Dark Angels Ezekiel 4

This could also be a kitbashed librarian based on the Phobos one, with a different backpack and arms to get this posing (or it could always be the new Inner Circle models). Either way, there have been rumors of a new normal librarian for Dark Angels, so it might not be a kit-bash or Ezekiel, just a new Dark Angels librarian.  New Librarian models could even be what the other two models are behind the rumored Ezekiel, as they do not look like the new fully-robed companion models.  At this stage, it’s hard to tell, but with LVO right around the corner, we might know quite soon!

GW Slips Up & Mentions More New (Chapter) Terminator Models: (October 2nd, 2023)

This is the statement that got us wondering, and it comes from Warhammer Community.

GW New Terminators

In the interview, they are talking about how they designed the new Space Marines and Terminators. First, they want to future-proof them (which is always good in our eyes), and they are a good foundation for… Well, there are a few things they could be a foundation for, but if you ask us, it feels like new Deathwing models.

Obviously, these are rumors, but with GW putting something out like this, it feels like they are starting the hype train early for the upcoming Dark Angels release.

RUMORS: Dark Angels Getting a Range Refresh This Spring

The rumors come from Bolter and Chainsword via Valrak.

  • New Boxset (New Belial leading it)
  • New Deathwing
  • New Knight Kits
  • New Asomdai

It really doesn’t sound too crazy, considering we’ve seen a new Primarch, and GW has already confirmed the Dark Angels 10th Edition 40k codex for spring 2024. But let’s dive deeper into the rumors.

10th edition year 1 roadmapConsidering they will be the first chapter to receive their codex/supplement, it will be about six months since the new Space Marine models have come out. GW refreshed the Black Templars last time their codex came out, and some of the Dark Angels models are pretty old.

This might also be the norm moving forward, with GW refreshing the significant chapters and letting the others fall away. However, it sounds from the rumors that the Ravenwing will get nothing this time, as the releases look to be mainly focused on characters and Deathwing.

BelialStarting with the new box set, the rumors say it will be focused on Terminators, with possibly 15 in the box and a new Belial model headlining the box. GW has really been loving Terminators as of late, so we could easily see them wanting to make new Terminator sculpts for every faction that can take them (looking at you, Blood Angels.)

Then, we’ve already seen two of the biggest characters reworked, and Belial could easily be next up. Plus, the Belial model is quite old and could use a rework!

Space Marines RevealsThe Terminators have gone up in size some, and it would be awesome to have new Deathwing that fit the new size and have the aesthetic of the Dark Angels!

Deathwing KnightsThe Deathwing goodness doesn’t stop there either, as the Knights will likely get a refresh as well to bring them up to size with the other Terminators and give you more melee options.

asmodaiAfter that, there are rumors about new Librarians coming to the line, but we’re not so sure about this section of the rumors at this point. The next biggest rumor that seems plausible is that Asmodai will also get a new model.

This is another quite old but venerable character for the line. Will he also cross the Rubicon Primaris and be scaled up for the new edition?

We may know in just a few short months!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the latest new Dark Angels miniatures and rumors for 2024? 

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