Don’t miss the Star Wars: Legion previews from AdeptiCon 2024, which featured all the new miniatures and what to expect next for the game!
Nine new releases for Star Wars Legion were announced, in addition to the Bad Batch 99 unit we heard about at the last Adepticon in 2023. It seems that just like Shatterpoint, Legion is receiving a significant number of new units.
Star Wars Legion AdeptiCon 2024 Previews & Roadmap Release Schedule Timeline
Still Far Off:
There are a lot of renders this time around and a decent amount of resculpts on the way to go with the ones they already previewed in 2023.
On top of the resculpts, there are quite a few new units on the way for Clone Wars.
Luckily, more droids are coming to the game because who doesn’t love droids?
One new pack of terrain was shown off, and since it’s coming in 2025, we’re sure to see more on this one before too long.
New Legion: Clone Wars Miniatures & Expansion Packs
In the near future, there are three new packs on the horizon.
You’ll need to deal with some riots when you control the amount of worlds the Empire does. This Imperial Riot squad looks pretty awesome and will drop before the end of the year.
When you need to start a rebellion, you need some sleeper cells!
Cards & Rules Previews:
They are a little hard to read, but this is really nice if you want to know what to expect before the units drop.
The Range Troopers make good front-line scouts and have a decent amount of firepower as well.
With a wide range of characters and units from various eras, these upcoming releases from the Star Wars Legion previews at Adepticon offer something for everyone, whether you’re a die-hard or a casual player.
Are you excited about all the new models and previews for Star Wars: Legion from Adepticon 2024?
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