GW Releases Free Darkoath AoS Faction Rules Download

darkoath army rules pdf aosBig changes to the Slaves of Darkness are here for Age of Sigmar, as GW released free Darkoath faction rules for the army of Conan the Barbarians!

We will never complain about free rules, especially when a new edition is looming so close. They also said all the factions would get free rules at the launch of 4th Edition, so while these will only last a few months, you won’t have to pay for them for a long time. Let’s check out what they can do in AoS!

GW Puts Out The Darkoath AoS Faction Rules For Free

Here is the latest on the free Darkoath rules from Warhammer Community.

Darkoath AoS Free Rules

We announced when the army set was unveiled that the special Battletome Supplement: Darkoath book would also be getting a free PDF download release, and that day is finally here. 

This is just a supplement, so you’ll have to use the Slaves to Darkness book as well; however, if you play them as their own army, they will all have the Mark of Undivided.

AoS Darkoath Army Set Value is Hot Fire

Is this Worth It & Value Cheap darkoath army set boxThe AoS Age of Sigmar Darkoath Army Set Box for Chaos Slaves to Darkness offers a ton of value; here is the pricing and savings breakdown! Read More

New Warscrolls

Darkoath AoS Free Rules 2The Chieftan is decently strong in combat; however, Destined For Glory is great because he can perform two different heroic actions or carry out the same one twice on his unit. Lastly, getting +1 to wound in a huge bubble is also quite strong.

Darkoath AoS Free Rules 6The Wilderfiend needs models to die close to it, and then, if you get a bunch of points, you can give this a wide range of buffs! Just make sure you have a decent number of heroes, as the Wilderfiend can come back to life an infinite number of times!

Darkoath AoS Free Rules 3Glorious Death is pretty cool. If your opponent wipes out a full unit, you can at least throw back some Mortal Wounds when they die. Then, if you roll 7″ or more for them, they get some rend which makes them even stronger.

Darkoath AoS Free Rules 4The Fell Riders have a decent shooting attack and can deal a lot of damage in combat. Plus, Swift Attackers will make them harder to hit with shooting attacks and should make it into combat. Lastly, their oath gives them even more rend and makes their javelins super strong.

All in all, these new AoS Darkoath faction rules seem to be a decent addition to the game. It’s always exciting to see new content being released, especially when it’s free!

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