Creepy Cherubs Protect Another New Sisters Miniature

sisters of battle hor wal of battle soritas adeptas title adepta sororitas title walIf you’ve been searching for a pièces de résistance for your Adepta Sororitas, look no further than this new Daemonbreaker minaiture!

In a galaxy where war never takes a day off, epic heroes and legendary deeds are just another Tuesday. Yet, even with daily valiant stands and desperate charges, not everyone makes it to the legendary status of Black Library fame.

Enter Celestian Sacresant Aveline, the star of Jude Reid’s upcoming “Daemonbreaker.”

Creepy Cherubs Protect Another New Sisters Miniature

Celestian Sacresant Aveline Miniature

Aveline isn’t just a new Black Library heroine; according to Warhammer Community, she’s the fierce focal point of a story set during Abaddon’s 13th Black Crusade, earning her the fearsome title of Daemonbreaker.

And guess what? She’s also getting an eye-popping miniature that showcases everything awesome about the Adepta Sororitas. Celestian Sacresant Aveline Miniature 2

Picture this: an intense warrior wearing ornate baroque armor, a sword empowered by the Emperor’s holy energy bursting into a flame in the shape of a fleur-de-lis, and eerie little cherubs framing her noble pose with purity seal garlands.

If you were looking for a mini that turns heads on the battlefield, this one is it for sure.


From the Order of the Sacred Rose, Aveline is sent with the Adepta Sororitas to fend off Abaddon’s assault on Cadia during the 13th Black Crusade. But before the grand showdown, she’s got one last holy task: securing a shrine on Orison VIII.

Both the Daemonbreaker novel as well as the Celestian Sacresant Aveline miniature are set to release later this year, so stay tuned for more reveals on this one after the new Sisters release becomes Old News.

Here are the latest updates from the Warhammer 40k universe and tabletop game!

What do you think of the new Celestian Sacresant Aveline Adepta Sorotias miniature and Black Library novel?

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About the Author: John Von Canon

John Von Canon

headshot john von cannonJob Title: Miniatures & Trading Card Games Writer

Socials: @AtogOrTwo 

About John Von Cannon: Tabletop gaming since 2016; John joined the Spikey Bits team in 2023 and has since been covering new miniature products, trading card games, and RPGs.

He spends his evenings running working at his local game store for the full hobby experience. So if you’re looking for niche and convoluted ways to sneak out a win in your next Commander game or a cool new hobby product for miniatures, he’s your guy.