Here’s a look at how to play the new Fyreslayers for 4th Edition Age of Sigmar as we run down the latest rules and updates.
Now, wild Auric Runemasters enhance their comrades with prayers, generating magmic power tokens to boost Ur-Gold Rune abilities.
Age of Sigmar 4e Fyreslayers Review: Army Guide & Rules
Fyreslayers Rules Summary:
- Auric Runemasters tap into the power of ur-gold to enhance their comrades with prayers
- Successful prayers generate magmic power tokens to boost UR-GOLD RUNE abilities
- Hearthguard Berzerkers are elite Fyreslayers and the royal family’s bodyguards
- In dire times, the Zharrgrim can summon a Molten Infernoth, an elemental manifestation of Vulcatrix’s wrath
- The Fyreslayers’ core playstyle revolves around tough-as-nails duardin bursting with divine power
- Auric Runemasters can juice up each effect, making every turn epic
AoS 4th Edition Fyreslayers Rules
Here is the latest on the Fyreslayers rules for the 4th Edition Age of Sigmar from Warhammer Community. The Fyreslayers’ forge priests, the Zharrgrim, work their magic on ur-gold to create badass runes that they embed into their buddies’ skin. These runes don’t just look cool; they also make the Fyreslayers super tough and extra fierce.
When the runes kick in, it’s like they’ve tapped into the power of Grimnir and Vulcatrix, turning them into fiery-eyed, smoldering-skinned berserker. Though separated from their Kharadron Overlords and Dispossessed cousins by their fiery devotion, the Fyreslayers stand with Sigmar’s forces and other allies in the Forces of Order. But don’t be fooled; they don’t fight for free. An ur-gold fee usually seals the deal.
Fyreslayers Faction Pack, Warscrolls, and Battletome Rules
- Games Workshop
- 2 Years
Last update on 2025-02-07 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Download it and feel the heat (safety goggles not included).
- Buy the new AoS 4th Edition Faction Pack Here
- Buy the New Spearhead Box Set Here
- See what kind of cash each Spearhead box will save you here!
- All the New 4th Edition Age of Sigmar Warscrolls Rules Downloads
Download The Fyreslayers Faction Pack Rules
Battle Traits
“When Fyreslayers hit the battlefield, their body runes awaken and give them crazy strength. They’ve got five killer UR-GOLD RUNE moves, but they can only use one per round. These abilities pack a punch, but they come at a price.”
Rune Abilities
- Rune of Fury: Perfect for fending off charging foes.
- Rune of Fiery Determination: Boosts defense with a 5+ WARD.
- Rune of Relentless Zeal: Helps your army sprint towards trouble.
- Rune of Searing Heat: Lays down the pain in combat.
- Rune of Farsight: Ensures distance isn’t a defense, as your Duardin pelt the enemy with throwing axes.
Battle Formations
Different lodges have their own bag of tricks, with the fyrds specializing in all sorts of combat styles. Take the Warrior Kinband, for instance, which amps up wound rolls for INFANTRY that charged that turn.
You’ve also got formations boosting Magmadroth resilience, hero objective-capturing skills, and shoring up territory with molten stone barricades.
Arcana & Incantations
The Zharrgrim hold all knowledge of arcane runecraft within the Fyreslayer lodges. Their mastery of elemental flame and ur-gold runes makes them formidable in battle. The Prayer of Ash protects a nearby unit for a turn, and on a higher roll, it also reduces incoming damage.
An Auric Runefather on Magmadroth is a sight to behold, leading the lodge with Grimnir’s fury burning in his veins. These Warrior-Kings can inspire allies, granting an extra attack to all melee weapons within 12”.
The Magmadroth’s volcanic blood and raging inferno make it a formidable opponent.
4th Edition AoS Rules: Fyreslayer Warscrolls
Auric Runemasters
Auric Runemasters tap into the power of ur-gold, chanting prayers to enhance their comrades. Each successful prayer generates magmic power tokens, which can be spent to boost UR-GOLD RUNE abilities, awakening the Fyreslayers to their maximum potential.
Hearthguard Berzerkers
Among the most elite of Fyreslayers are the Hearthguard Berzerkers, the royal family’s bodyguards. These warriors wield two-handed broadaxes capable of splitting ogors in twain and fight with even more fury if their charge is wounded.
Elemental Allies: Molten Infernoth
In dire times, the Zharrgrim can summon a Molten Infernoth, an elemental manifestation of Vulcatrix’s wrath. These creatures melt flesh and disrupt enemy formations, leaving foes vulnerable to follow-up attacks.
Fyreslayers Spearhead
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- Games Workshop
- 2 Years
Last update on 2025-02-07 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Every Fyreslayer dreams of their name being etched into the legendary tales of their lodge. Enter the Saga Axeband, a group of impatient duardin who got tired of waiting for a battle to come to them and decided to hunt one down themselves. This fiery crew consists of four squads of five Vulkite Berzerkers, all under the watchful eye of a Battlesmith bard who’s there to chronicle their heroic deeds. These warriors are guarded by five Hearthguard Berzerkers.
“Spearhead” is a standalone game that’s just right for diving into epic battles in Age of Sigmar. It’s small enough to fit on a kitchen or coffee table, and you only need one Spearhead box to get the games going for the 4th Edition.
The best part? You can snag free downloads with different rules, warscrolls, and objectives.
The core playstyle of the Fyreslayers is still all about those tough-as-nails duardin bursting with divine power. But now, their commanders have complete control over those powerful runes. With the Auric Runemaster juicing up each effect, every turn can be absolutely epic. It’s never been a better time to be a Grimnir player!
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What do you think about all the new AoS Fyreslayers 4th Edition rules?