GW’s Latest Warhammer Rumor Engine is the GOAT!

rumor engine 2-11-2025 shadow goat

GW’s latest Warhammer 40k rumor engine preview is an animal leg, but there isn’t any iconography; is it a Beastmen or Chaos GOAT?

Here’s the latest Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. As usual, there are some interesting possibilities for what it could be! Whatever the case, we can’t wait to see what Games Workshop has in store when it’s finally revealed. Let’s take a look and try to guess until then!  

Rumor Engine: February 11th, 2025

rumor engine 02-11-25

The newest image clearly shows an animal leg, making Beastmen in AoS and Chaos in 40k the two big options. From horses in general, there are many possibilities for more unique systems, like Necromunda or another specialist game!


Above you can see the old-school Centigors from Beastmen, which clearly haven’t had a new model in ages. With the leg not being too specific, really, any beast-style model is on the table here!

Perhaps even new Wood Elves?

wood elves glade riders

Still, though… who knows? Curve balls happen, and specialist games usually get some super unique models. We will have to wait and see!

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

Could this latest Warhammer 40k Rumor Engine be a new Beastmen or is it something else like a specialist game release…?