Feast your eyes on the new Aster Crohne, the Shroudmaker, leader of the Blood Angels Inductii model for Horus Heresy.
The Horus Heresy continues to bring legendary characters to the tabletop, and Aster Crohne, the Shroudmaker, is the latest warrior to join the ranks of the Blood Angels. Known for his sheer resilience and ability to lead his forces through the most harrowing battles, Crohne is a model that brings both narrative depth and tactical strength to any IX Legion army.
His Forge World resin miniature captures the relentless determination of a warrior who has endured countless battles, from the brutal campaigns on Saiph to the horrors of Signus. With a unique warlord trait, powerful melee abilities, and the chance to return to the battlefield after falling, Crohne is shaping up to be a must-have addition for Blood Angels players.
Who Is Aster Crohne?
Aster Crohne has fought for the Blood Angels since before the coming of Sanguinius, rising from the violent warrior culture of Saiph. His survival instincts and unyielding nature made him an ideal Judiciar, ensuring discipline among the IX Legion’s warriors, even as the horrors of the Great Crusade tested their will.
During the infamous Signus campaign, where Ka’bandha and his daemonic horde nearly shattered the Blood Angels, Aster Crohne remained steady while many of his fellow officers succumbed to a Warp-fueled rage. His ability to lead through chaos has made him a key figure in rebuilding the 94th Company, guiding newly Inductii warriors who struggle to control their growing bloodlust.
This iron-willed commander is known by another name—The Ghost of Saiph—a title earned through his uncanny ability to rise again after seemingly being struck down.
Aster Crohne’s Reforged 94th: Strength in Leadership
Crohne’s Warlord Trait, The Reforged 94th, enhances Inductii units under his command, making them even more aggressive in close combat. Units with both the Inductii and Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) rules gain the ability to make Sweeping Advances, ensuring that broken enemy formations do not escape. When a unit successfully charges, each model gains +1 Attack, even on a Disordered Charge, reinforcing the Blood Angels’ ferocity in melee. His presence also allows an extra Reaction in the Movement Phase, increasing tactical flexibility and keeping his forces adaptable in the heat of battle.
These abilities reinforce the fast, hard-hitting combat style of the Blood Angels, making Crohne a strong leader for armies that focus on aggressive assaults and battlefield control.
Saiphan Shard-Axe: Cutting Down Traitors
Aster Crohne is no stranger to brutal melee engagements, and his Saiphan Shard-axe is built for duels and tearing through enemy lines. With Strength +1, AP 3, and Rending (5+), the axe allows him to punch through armor, especially with well-placed attacks. His Duellist’s Edge (1) ensures he has an advantage in challenges, making him even more dangerous against enemy commanders. Whether leading from the front or cutting down traitors in single combat, this weapon fits his relentless fighting style.
The Ghost of Saiph: A Warrior Who Refuses to Fall
Few warriors endure battle after battle without eventually succumbing to their wounds, but Aster Crohne defies the odds time and again. His special rule, The Ghost of Saiph, allows him to return from the brink of death. The first time he loses his last Wound, a roll of 4+ places him in Reserves with one Wound remaining instead of being removed as a casualty. If he enters Reserves on or after Turn 4, he automatically returns at the start of the controlling player’s next turn.
This rule makes Crohne exceptionally hard to kill, allowing him to keep leading and fighting long after most warriors would have fallen. Whether anchoring the line or launching a counterattack, he refuses to stay down.
Why Aster Crohne Is a Must-Have for Blood Angels Players
Aster Crohne isn’t just another character—he represents the unwavering discipline and relentless drive that define the Blood Angels. His leadership boosts Inductii, his weapon rewards aggressive play, and his resilience ensures he stays in the fight when other commanders would fall.
For players looking to add depth, narrative, and strategic flexibility to their Blood Angels force, Crohne is an ideal addition. His ability to keep Inductii under control while delivering brutal melee assaults makes him a valuable asset, whether leading a full IX Legion force or reinforcing an elite detachment.
Pre-Order and Rules Availability
The Aster Crohne Forge World resin miniature will be available for pre-order later this year, and his full rules can be found in Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: The Martian Civil War supplement. For Blood Angels commanders, this is the perfect chance to bring one of the IX Legion’s most resilient warriors to the battlefield and lead their forces with unwavering determination.
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Will you pick up the new Horus Heresy Hero Aster Crohne model when it is released?