Adepticon 2020 Update: Refunds, Credits, Previews & More

Space Marine walpaperThe convention might have been canceled but they are still working… Check out the latest updates on refunds, credits previews and more for Adepticon 2020.

Adepticon 2020 was canceled due to worries about spreading COVID-19. We’ve already covered their official announcement here. But thankfully, the Adepticon team didn’t just pull away and dust themselves off to leave us with so many questions. They’ve stuck close and are continuing to give us solid updates on what we have to look forward to. Here’s the latest pertinent information that you may want to see.

In case you missed it, GW also announced that they would be revealing what was scheduled for the event now online over the course of two weekends.

GW Adepticon Previews Will Continue Online!

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openComing from Warhammer Community, all of the previews that were scheduled to drop at Adepticon will now drop in two separate online previews. Here’s what you need to know.


we’ll be bringing you two online preview events within the next three weeks! And so that as many of you as possible can tune in and enjoy a first look at future releases and ask our Studio folks that question you’ve always wanted to ask, we’re holding them at times that should mean you’re up and awake regardless of where you are in the world.

Here’s the schedule for the previews:

  • Saturday, March 28th at 2:00 PM GMT
  • Saturday, April 4th at 2:00 PM BST

Adepticon Attendee Update

Now for the latest wave of information from the Adepticon team.

We have continued our discussions with the Schaumburg Renaissance Convention Center. The hotel has agreed to credit the One Night Deposit to AdeptiCon attendees. This process may take up to two weeks, so the hotel appreciates your patience. It is a manual process and continued calling may end up delaying the credit for everyone. However, if after two weeks (March 30th) you haven’t received the credit, the hotel would like you to contact them.

swag bagIf you’re still curious about your Adepticon 2020 swag, don’t worry. They’ve been sorting through and taking inventory of everything. No official word on how they’re going to be getting things out to people just yet. However, they did say that another announcement on that is coming soon.

This weekend saw the staff begin taking inventory of all the AdeptiCon merchandise we currently have in our possession. We are still figuring out the feasibility and exploring options on making this material available. This includes badge upgrades. We are optimistic that we should have more details on this front soon.

Adepticon Will Be Dropping a List of Vendors With Links

longwar doubles kastelan robots winnerEven though the physical event was scrapped we’ll still be able to go online and check out all the dope merch from vendors. Adepticon is gathering up all the information from the booths at the event and will also post that up for us!

 We are currently compiling a list of vendors, with links. We should have this soon. Your continued support of their businesses online is incredibly appreciated.

Looking Forward to Next Year’s Adepticon

Adepticon FeatureTo keep people looking ahead with high hopes, the Adepticon team hasn’t wasted any time on planning their next event. They’ve already dropped the dates so mark your calendars down.

AdeptiCon 2021 is scheduled for Wednesday, March 24th through Sunday, March 28th.

These are just the dates but they also mentioned that we should be seeing a whole separate announcement on next year’s event once the dust settles.

Adepticon Virtual Alternative?

chaos space marine FAQTo keep the hype rolling, Adepticon is also looking into doing some kind of virtual alternative to actually going to the event (since we can’t). There’s a lot of grey area on what they mentioned so be on the lookout for what’s ahead if they do give us something!

Finally, there have been a lot of communications, inquiries, and suggestions about a virtual alternative to AdeptiCon. We here think that this is a great idea and we are absolutely working on some various options. We are working on something and should have more info shortly. In the meantime, keep sharing those pics of painted miniatures!

That’s a lot of info to digest but hopefully, it all finds you well. As we’re stuck inside during the virus we can at least get some serious hobbying done and our armies looking better than ever for next year.

Would you like to see Adepticon host something like a Live Twitch stream? Will you be able to put another year’s worth of hobbying on your army to make it turn heads at Adepticon 2021?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!