Custodes Get New BETA 40k Rules From Forge World

custode rules new 40k pdf forgeworld

Forge World has been working hard to bring rules to Warhammer 40k for their Horus Heresy range of Legio Custodes models. Don’t miss the latest!

Forge World revealed the 40k rules and datasheets to their Horus Heresy Custodes models. From Terminators to Venatari, they’ve got it all!

The tech-archivists have scoured the vaults and unearthed a set of Adeptus Custodes Beta Datasheets. There are no fewer than 12 new units for the Golden Legion, including a variety of vehicles, ranging from speedy grav-vehicles to mighty Dreadnoughts. There’s also the devastating Orion Assault Dropship, which can carry Custodes into battle as well as devastate foes in a hail of heavy gunfire.

Custodes Dreadnoughts



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Base Points: 140 with weapons

The Achillus Contemptor is an absolute death machine in Horus Heresy. However, it’s a lot tamer in 40k. That still doesn’t mean it isn’t a solid option to bring along IT IS still a Custode after all.


Base Points: 155 with weapons

The Gallatus is a bit more expensive but comes with a better Invulnerable save. He also has the ability to smack the enemy’s weapons away with his shield making him -1 to hit in close combat.


Base Points: 272 with weapons

Lastly, the Telemon is the most expensive of the Dreadnoughts. However, he’s T8 and has weapon options coming out his ears. You can gear this walker to fill just about any combat role you need. The Twin Plasma Projector can shred infantry as well as do some real damage to medium-light armor.

If you need to pop tanks, you can go for the Arachnus Storm Cannons for range or just give him two Telemon Caestus’s and have him run at them for melee.

Custodian Bikes & Infantry

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Base Points: 255 for three models, with weapons

These guys are built the way every Terminator should be in 8th edition. They’re T5 with a whopping four wounds a pop! This squad of Termies is basically an Assault Squad and regular Terminator squad rolled into one. They can be given Talons and Power Gauntlets as well as a souped-up Flamer that has a base 12″ range. Plus, these guys have Heavy Bolter “Storm Bolters”- with no heavy rule.


Base Points: 156 for three models, with weapons.


Base Points: 165 for three models, with weapons.

Sagittarum Custodes are the Warriors that traded in their fancy spear for a souped-up Bolter that has two firing modes. You can use the Bolt Volley to rip through light infantry or the Disintegration Beam for something like characters and armor.


Base Points: 276 for three models, with weapons.

Agamatus Custodes are like Devastators on Bikes. They are fast and hard-hitting units that your opponent will be forced to react to…or sacrifice a flank.

Custodes Vehicles

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Base Points: 100 

Looking at the pallas Grav-Attack, it’s a fast-moving harasser. At only T6 and 8 wounds, it can be crippled by a couple of well-placed Las Cannon shots. If your enemy chooses to ignore it, it can cause a decent amount of disruption. But in all reality, it probably won’t last long on the table.


Base Points: 210

The Caladius Tank is the heavy/slower version of the Pallas. However, it can take a bit more of a hit. It’s at T7 with 14 wounds. But at the end of the day, a couple of well-placed Las Cannons can still cripple it beyond use.


Base Points: 245

The Coronus is the even heavier version of the Caladius. Being T8 and 18 wounds, it can withstand the most punishment out of all the vehicles. However, it’s also the most expensive. Like all the other hover tanks, the Gravatic Backwash is really helpful against armies that rely on melee to do damage like GSC or Orks.

Custodes Lord of War

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Base Points: 442

The transport for the Custodes sits as a Lord of War. It can drop in a total of twelve Infantry models and any Contemptor. With it being T8 and twenty-two wounds, it’s essentially a flying Knight. You’re only going to have one turn to deal with it before a storm of Custodes drop out…Then you’ll have much bigger problems in your life.

Forge World’s Latest: Venatari

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Base Points: 192 for three models with weapons.

The Venetari Custodes are the newest model to join the ranks of the Emperor’s elite guard. The Tarsus Bucklers are the melee weapon for the unit…and yes, they’re like mini Captain Americas. The shields actually slap pretty hard in melee combat being S6 -2Ap and 1D. The Venetari also ignore -1 AP from enemy weapons in close combat.

Horus Heresy Rules


30k venatari

Looking at the Horus Heresy rules, they only have two wounds, but all of their weapons have enough AP to ignore basic power armor saves. Plus, they’ll be wounding normal Marines on 2’s. The Venatari need to be wiped off the board early in 30k as they’ll be able to chew through anything from a Legion. -It just so happens that Horus Heresy is full of those!

Custodes Points Values

custodes point value

This should be a warm welcome to you Custodes players as now, you’ll be able to know the rules for all of your units in 30k and 40k. Honestly, their rules don’t look bad at all.

What do you think about their rules? Which unit seems the best for Custodes in 8th edition? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.