RUMORS: New Adeptus Custodes Army Box For 10th Edition 40k

Chaos-rumors-title-hor-wal-1280-site-warhammer-40k-games-workshop1It’s true! Rumors were flying about a new Warhammer 40k Adeptus Custodes Army Box for 10th Edition with the shrouded figure preview.

Custodes have received quite a few army boxes over the years, so it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see another one with their codex release.  Since Games Workshop released the roadmap for 10th, we know they will be getting a codex soon. So it would make ‘sense’ for GW to give them a box, considering they are getting at least one new model.

RUMORS: New Adeptus Custodes Army Box For 10th Edition Warhammer 40k

custode new shield captain

Updated March 2nd, 2024: Looks like the rumors were true! These new Adeptus Custodes army box for 10th Edition 40k rumors come from Valrak. However, these are rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need. Because nothing is confirmed until they say it is!

Codex Release Map

Let’s start with the roadmap; we know new Adeptus Custodes are on the way for ‘Spring.’  So, considering we’ve already seen the new Dark Angels, they probably aren’t too far away.

2024 year end model 1 silhoutte

First up, we’ve heard that this will be a melta lance character for Custodes (which turned out to be true, as you’re about to see below). Now, the rumor from Valrak was that this model would be part of a new box set for the army! According to the rumors, this bundle will give you almost an entire army inside the box! 

Update Aucric Champions Adeptus Custodes Battleforce Box Revealed March 2nd, 2024

Adeptus Custodes Auric Champions Battleforce

The first place you’ll be able to acquire this new Shield-Captain is in the Auric Champions Battleforce. Alongside their pyrithite spear-toting leader, you’ll get five Custodian Wardens, six Allarus Terminators, and six Vertus Praetors who soar into battle on Dawneagle Jetbikes. 

While the last battleforce boxes cost $230, we currently have no idea how much this one is going to cost, but it certainly is a big chunk of building a new army! Sadly, this box set does not come with a codex book, unlike the Deathwing Assault for the Dark Angels.

New Adeptus Custodes Shield-Captain

new Shield-Captain

Shield-Captains rank among the greatest warriors in all the known galaxy, equipped with superlative strategic abilities and combat prowess – not to mention an armoury more finely wrought than any other in the Imperium. With an absolute mastery of weapons and will, Shield-Captains are large and very much in charge.

The Custodian Guard and Custodian Wardens boxes both include the option to build one of your precious warriors as a Shield-Captain – but this new plastic miniature presents a striking standalone alternative, featuring a new loadout and a choice of a helmeted or bare head. 

This new model is obviously super sweet! The plume coming from their back is also a nice touch, making it appear even if you choose the unhelmeted version.

Adeptus Custodes Codex 10th

To find all the latest rules for these paragons of combat, look no further than the new Codex: Adeptus Custodes. It contains up-to-the-minute background information on the Adeptus Custodes, and datasheets and Detachments covering the Emperor’s bodyguards and the Sisters of Silence. We’ll have more information on just what’s inside closer to release.

The one thing Custodes have going for them is high points cost, meaning even a box with 30 models could be an entire army. Let’s look back at all the recent Custodes releases for a glimpse back at what came out before 10th Edition for the Adeptus Custodes.

Adeptus Custodes Box Sets Back To 2015:

deathwing assault contents

The value of the Deathwing Assault box is quite wild. So, if GW makes more boxes like this for 10th Edition, we’ll be happy! However, could this be a new trend where GW puts larger-priced kits into the boxes to give you more value in terms of points? If GW put 15 (or even 9) Allarus Custodians in a box with the new character (and maybe a Sisters of Silence or Guard squad), you almost have a full army right there! 

Adeptus Custodes Combat Patrol

The current Combat Patrol has no Terminators but is a decent mix of units. However, they generally like to do the army boxes with different contents than the CPs, which again leans us more towards something like Terminators.

shadow throne contents

Shadow Throne was a split box but did have the new Blade Champion. This new box is supposed to be only Custodes. Again, this is similar to what we guessed could be inside.  Something where you have some Allarus Custodians, the new model, and the Sisters of Silence. If you split the GSC half of the Shadowthrone box, you could easily fill that out with two more units of Terminators.

We could easily see GW putting three units of them, the new character, and one battleline choice in this new rumored army box.

Talons of the Emperor

The Talons of the Emperor box came out back in 2015. Even then, it was pretty bad in terms of value and content. So let’s hope it’s not like this!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the new Adeptus Custodes Army Box Rumors? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass 

Bio: Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the main daily writer since 2020.

Maybe one day, he’ll finish converting all his Ad Mech models and turn into a true tech enjoyer, complete with sad and happy robot noises!