GW Previews What’s Next for Warhammer 40k in 2024

new gw releases warhammer 40kGames Workshop revealed what’s next for Warhammer 40k in 2024 with three new model silhouette teasers for Orks, Custodes, and Kroot.

We just got a teaser of three new miniatures for Warhammer 40k in 2024. While they are silhouettes from GW’s latest teaser video, we think it’s clear what factions they are for!  New Adeptus Custodes, Orks, and Tau Kroot Carnivore models are our guesses.

GW Previews What’s Next for Warhammer 40k in 2024

Warhammer Community gifted hobbyists a teaser video of future models on December 26th, 2023. We’ll skip over the year-in-review montage portion and look closer at the new stuff.

Here are the silhouettes of what look to be new Adeptus Custodes, Orks, and Tau Kroot Carnivore models.

New 40k Adeptus Custodes Miniature:

2024 year end model 1 silhoutte

While we don’t see any current rumor engines that we’d attribute to possibly being this guy, there is no way we could mistake that spear! He does look like he’s holding a new round shield, though, so it could even be a new character.

Boarding Patrol Adeptus Custodes

That is definitely a custom weapon, even down to the spike on the backside. Technically, something else could be holding it. With the trigger grip and blade, we’re all in on the Adeptus Custodes for this one.

New Warhammer 40k Ork Model:

2024 year end model 2 silhoutte

This looks like a new Ork miniature and probably a Mek suit to boot! It’s got all the telltale signs of Ork tech. Look at all those “Tesla” coils!

rumor engine 04-25-23

This looks like an Ork bit, maybe not immediately seen in the silhouette, but it could easily be somewhere on the model!

New Warhammer 40k Tau Kroot Carnivore:

2024 year end model 3 silhoutte

The last silhouette is a new Kroot; no question about it! The weapon, on the other hand, is a mystery. We think this is perhaps a new version of the Forge World Gnarloc riders or something very similar!

rumor engine 05-09-23

This tail fits the ridges we see on his mount, and this is probably the easiest or most likely match today.

rumor engine 09-26-23

While the weapon is out of focus, it looks like this bit could fit right on top. It would be cool if Kroot got a more refined weapon instead of what usually looks like something they scavenged together.

If you want to check all of the unsolved rumor and advent engines we have them for you below!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

What do you think of these three new Warhammer 40k silhouette teasers for models coming in 2024  for Orks, Adeptus Custodes, and maybe the Tau featuring a Kroot miniature?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group or our new Discord server. Make sure to enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!


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