40k Engine War: Ad Mech Archaeopter Pics REVEALED

admech-wlapaperNew pictures are here for the Ad Mech Archaeopter that looks to be on the way soon with the rest of the 40k Psychic Awakening Engine War releases.

For weeks now, GW has been previewing new models and we’ve finally gotten a first look at some of the rules. While there are still plenty of rules left to cover from the upcoming supplement, here’s everything we know so far.

Everything We Know About Ad Mech in Engine War So Far

admech sulphurhounds


admech sulphurhounds sulphur breathThis is a pretty unique weapon the Sulphurhounds are getting. It’s essentially a -1 AP flamer that ignores cover but can also be shot while in melee with the enemy. Not something that’s necessarily game-breaking. However, your opponents will have to take into account any prolonged combat with them. Especially in a bigger unit where you can get 3D6+ auto hits.

The Sulphurhounds have a special rule that allows you to shoot Pistol weapons even after you’ve Advanced, increasing the threat range of your baleful breath.* This weapon can be used on top of all of the rider’s weapons, and as a Pistol weapon, you can even shoot it in close combat, making it perfect for burning your way through enemy hordes. 

admech serberys cavarly


admech serberys pistolThe Serberys’ sergeant-equivalent model (the alpha) will be getting access to the Archeo-Revolver. This thing puts bolt pistols to shame with a S5 -2Ap 2-damage blast at 12″. That’s not bad at all. The only downside is that you can only have one in a squad. At least, that’s what it’s looking like.

This weapon is carried by the Alpha in a Serberys Raiders unit, meaning that you’ll have the speed to get into the perfect position to shoot down your enemies.

admech pteraxii skystalkers


skystalkers flechette carbineNext, let’s look at what the Skystalkers are getting. This is baller right here- a 24″ assault 5 gun is fantastic. On top of some flying models that’ll probably be able to move 10-12″, this will give you a massive threat bubble. Especially against cheap units that try to be ignored all game and sit on objectives.

The weakest point of the gun is Strength and AP. But a 1CP Strat giving +1 to both of those fields would be dope.

admech pteraxii sterylizors


sterilyzor phosphor torchThe flamer variant of the Skystalkers, the Sterilyzors are getting the same kind of weapon the Sulphurhounds have.  It’s just a longer range and counted as an assault weapon. The best part about this is that these are looking to be 12″ deepstriking flamers.

pteraxii talonsFinally, the Pteraxii aren’t looking to be complete pushovers in combat either. They do have some -1 AP claws and if they charge, they get +1 to the Strength. It’s unclear if they’ll be base S3 or S4 but their basic stat profile will make a big difference in how good these talons are.

The Basic Synergies We Can See

canticles of the ommnissiahFor the cavalry-based units (Serberys and Sulphurhounds), the Litany of the Electromancer or Invocation of Machine Might will be sweet. You’ll more than likely be using these units as shock troops to break a certain side of the opponent’s line. If you have either one of these active, you’ll have multiple chances of dealing mortal wounds up close or have +1 Strength to help your wound rolls.

As for the Pteraxii Skystalkers, Benediction of the Ommnissiah is going to be brutal. They’ve got assault 5 weapons but we don’t know they’re BS. A big unit of these can dump a ton of screen-killing shots and rolling 1s to hit on 5-shot weapons will help squeeze out as much damage as possible.

admech pteraxii skystalkers

Which Forge World is Best For These New Units?

Again with the Skystalkers and their Assault 5 flechette guns, a list that pumps three max squads of these might want to use Agripinaa’s Staunch Defenders for the 5+ overwatch. That’ll force opponents to really consider eating 25+ shots before rolling to charge.

Stygies VII’s Shroud Protocols might also be a sweet pick for the Pteraxii Skystalkers (not the flamer ones) as well as the Archaeopter variants. Anything outside of 12″ will be -1 to hit which is a big deal. Skystalkers might make a better choice than the Archaeopters just because at some point, the Archeopter is going to have to swoop in close to keep making rounds around the table.

admech sulphurhoundsFor the Cavalry, Ryza’s Red in Cog & Claw ability will let these line breaker units like Serberys and Sulphurhounds reroll wounds of 1 in the fight phase. This will probably only be worth it if you’re going to be running a squad or two of beefed-up Elektropriests as well.

While these aren’t the full spectrum of rules that might synergize with these units, this should have at least given you something to think about.

40k Engine War: Ad Mech Archaeopter Pics REVEALED

Here’s the latest on Archaeopters from Warhammer Community.

admech archaeopter walThe Archaeopter has been at the forefront of Adeptus Mechanicus expansion for millennia. Eventually, the design of the Archaeopter was deemed holy enough to accommodate sub-roles – the Transvector, Stratoraptor and Fusilave. Each is equipped with nano-carbon fibre-weave in the wings, making them as fast as they are agile. Let’s take a closer look at these magnificent flying machines.

The Transport

admech archaeopter 1Transvector (transport model)


admech archaeopter trasnvectorStill no rules on this flying beast with three variants. Although, we’ve gotten a closeup of the wargear on each type. The Transvector is going to be the transport which looks to come with a few heavy stubbers but nothing that you’d put the points in for firepower alone.

The Gunship

admech archaeopter 3Stratoraptor (gunship model)

admech archaeopter stratoraptorThe Stratoraptor is armed with a twin cognis lascannon, which can obliterate the toughest of targets. It also has a pair of heavy phosphor blasters, deadly weapons that burn through enemy units and cover indiscriminately. There’s no doubt about it, the Adeptus Mechanicus love the way that their olfactory sensors process the scent of phosphor in the morning.

The Bomber

admech archaeopter 2Fusilave (bomber model)

admech archaeopter fusilaveWith the passenger seats taken out, the Fusilave fits in a bomb rack. Armed with payloads of tectomagnic bombs, which cause seismic shock waves when they land. The Fusilave rains down death upon the enemies of the Omnissiah. Fusilaves were famously employed during the assault on the Qysberg on Ordex-Thaag, where they provided key air support, undermining walls and disrupting defences.

Things are looking pretty spicy in the days ahead for the Adeptus Mechanicus. Now the new Archaeopter seems like it’ll be able to fill just about every battlefield role the army needs, but a rules preview for it would be nice to see too!

Which variant will you be building? Will you be running thee gunships and three bombers in your list? How many points do you think one will be?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshot

Wesley Floyd

Job Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: @RealmbrushPainting

About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.