Games Workshop’s New Releases REVEALED!

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronYou get a Battleforce Box, she gets a Battleforce box, Battleforce boxes for everyone! Just in time for the holiday seasons, coincidence?

Source: Games Workshop

Index Chaotica: Apocrypha $35



A fascinating look at the history of Chaos in Warhammer 40,000, the 136-page hardback Index Chaotica: Apocrypha brings together a collection of the most ancient and heretical texts the galaxy has ever laid terrified eyes upon.


These articles, taken from early issues of White Dwarf and previous editions of Warhammer 40,000, include the original descriptions of the Dark Gods of Chaos, as well as the Daemons and Traitor Legions who serve them. You’ll discover the origins of this insidious threat to Mankind’s survival, and see how their miniatures, wargear and gameplay have evolved in the decades since their unveiling.


Amongst the articles included:

– early accounts of the Horus Heresy, the Traitor Legions and Warp Space;
– original depictions of the Daemons of each Chaos God from the Realm of Chaos books;
– classic fiction establishing the Long War fought by the followers of Chaos;


– accounts of the Daemon Engines of the Dark Gods, from White Dwarf;
– the original descriptions of the Traitor Legions;
– concept sketches, early artwork and first mentions of infamous characters, such as Fabius Bile and the Traitor Knights of House Devine;

and much, much more! This is an essential addition to the collection of anyone interested in the lore of Chaos in Warhammer 40,000.

Codex Supplement: Traitor Legions $35



The Traitor Legions of the Chaos Space Marines have waged terrible wars of hate and vengeance upon the Imperium of Mankind for ten thousand years. From the Daemon worlds of the Eye of Terror, they plot the destruction of the empire they once helped to build. They have neither forgotten nor forgiven the loyalists, nor the False Emperor whom they serve. These warriors will not rest until the galaxy is burning, and the Emperor’s putrid carcass is cast down from the Golden Throne into the filth where it belongs.


Codex Supplement: Traitor Legions is a 136-page, full-colour softback supplement to Codex: Chaos Space Marines. It contains a wealth of additional content and rules that any Chaos Space Marines army can use, with a huge array of rules for all nine of the Traitor Legions.

In The Book

– Datasheets for the following models:
– Kharn the Betrayer
– Ahriman
– Exalted Sorcerer
– Tzaangors
– Rubric Marines
– Scarab Occult Terminators
– Khorne Lord of Skulls
– Magnus the Red


– 26 Formations for Chaos Space Marines
– Chaos Warband
– Maelstrom of Gore
– The Lost and the Damned
– Helforged Warpack
– Heldrake Terror Pack
– Cult of Destruction
– Fist of the Gods
– Raptor Talon


– Terminator Annihilation Force
– Favoured of Chaos
– Trinity of Blood
– The Chosen of Abaddon
– The Bringers of Despair
– The Hounds of Abaddon
– Daemon Engine Pack
– Cyclopia Cabal
– The Tormented
– Black Legion Warband
– War Cabal
– War Coven
– Tzaangor Warherd
– Sekhmet Conclave
– Ahriman’s Exiles
– Rehati War Sect
– Plague Colony
– Kakophoni;

– Chaos Artefacts, Warlord Traits, Tactical Objectives and an exclusive Detachment for each of the 9 Traitor Legions;

– Updated Disciplines of Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh, as well as the Sinistrum, Heretech, Ectomancy and Geomortis Psychic Disciplines;

– Armoury of the Chaos Space Marines.

Battleforce: Khorne Bloodbound Slaughterstorm $170



The murderous champions of the Chaos Gods fight furiously to extinguish the last lights of hope, and none fight harder or command more fear than the savage hordes of Khorne’s Bloodbound. Daubed with the Blood God’s rune, muscular beyond belief and foaming with rage, these warriors descend upon their enemies screaming and leave nothing alive.



Since the Age of Chaos began, the Bloodbound have plagued every realm, rarely knowing defeat and unstoppably rolling over all in their path.

An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 40 Khorne Bloodbound miniatures, and a Warscroll Battalion – the Slaughterstorm – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!




– 1 Skarr Bloodwrath
– 1 Aspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and Skullhammer
– 3 Mighty Skullcrushers
– 5 Wrathmongers
– 10 Blood Warriors
– 20 Bloodreavers


Battleforce: Adeptus Mechanicus Eradication Cohort $170

Purity in augmentation – the Adeptus Mechanicus, a horrifying, post-human nightmare rendered in metal and flesh, utterly without mercy in their endless quest to harvest information and technology for the Machine God. The morsels of data they find are analysed by their leaders and repurposed to make these footsoldiers of the Omnissiah an ever more efficient, cold army of ruthless killers.


An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 17 Adeptus Mechanicus miniatures, and a formation – the Eradication Cohort – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer 40,000!




– 1 Sydonian Dragoon
– 2 Kastelan Robots and an attendant Datasmith
– 3 Kataphron Battle Servitors – Destroyers
– 5 Sicarian Infiltrators
– 5 Fulgurite Electro-Priests


Battleforce: Deathwatch Watchblade Task Force $170



The elite amongst the elite, carefully selected and recruited for their exceptional abilities, the Deathwatch are a thin black line, a sentinel that stands between the Imperium and alien threats unimaginable.


Always outnumbered – such is the staggering scale of the hordes they face – this noble brotherhood has stood stout against countless invasions, and will face countless more.


An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce: contains 27 Deathwatch miniatures, and a formation – the Watchblade Task Force – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer 40,000!


–        1 Watch Master
–        1 Deathwatch Razorback
–        5 Deathwatch Bikers
–        5 Deathwatch Terminators
–        3 5-man Deathwatch Kill Teams
–        3 Deathwatch Upgrade frames – this adds


30x Deathwatch Space Marine shoulder pads (left arm)
6x Deathwatch Space Marine Terminator shoulder pads (right arm)
6x Deathwatch Space Marine Sergeant chest plates
6x Deathwatch Space Marine Sergeant helmets
3x Deathwatch Space Marine power sword
3x Deathwatch backpack icon
6x Deathwatch vehicle/walker icons

meaning lots of spares for your collection!


Battleforce: Ironjawz Thunderfist $170



Huge, hulking brutes, much taller and broader than a man, the Ironjawz rumble across the mortal realms in search of a good scrap. To them, nothing is so pleasing as the sound of battle – blades on metal, screams of the dying, the clamour and rattle of absolute violence is music to their ears.


The most fightsome of all orruks, the Ironjawz are rightly feared all across the realms as their numbers swell and their Waaagh! grows ever larger.


An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 16 Ironjawz miniatures, and a Warscroll Battalion – the Thunderfist – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!



– 1 Megaboss
– 1 Weirdnob Shaman
– 1 Aleguzzler Gargant
– 3 Gore-Gruntas
– 10 Brutes


Battleforce: Stormcast Eternals Sigmar’s Vengeance $170



A vision of golden celestial light, a living embodiment of the God-King’s might, the Stormcast Eternals are messengers of vengeance armed with the might of stars. Once-mortal champions of Order forged by Sigmar into an astonishing fighting force, hurled down from the heavens to meet the forces of Chaos head-on, they wreak bloody revenge on the Dark Gods, the corruptors of the realms.


An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 19 Stormcast Eternals miniatures, and a Warscroll Battalion – Sigmar’s Vengeance – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!




– 1 Celestant-Prime
– 1 Knight-Azyros
– 2 Dracothian Guard
– 5 Paladins
– 10 Liberators


Battleforce: Space Wolves Ironclaw Strike Force $170



Forged from a race of ferocious warriors raised on the death world of Fenris, the Space Wolves are furious, savage adversaries -the perfect fusion of raw might and technological supremacy, fighting with blade, claw and boltgun against the horrific armies that threaten to consume mankind.


 An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 28 Space Wolves miniatures, and a formation – the Ironclaw Strike Force – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer 40,000!



– 1 Iron Priest
– 1 Stormfang Gunship
– 1 Venerable Dreadnought
– 5 Wolf Guard Terminators
– 5 Fenrisian Wolves
– 15 Bloodclaws


Battleforce: Sylvaneth Darkroot Wargrove $170



The air sings with glorious life magic as the children of Alarielle surge into battle. The reborn goddess of war leads from the front as Wyldwoods burst forth from the heaving ground, called into being by ancient spirits. Determined to protect the Realm of Life, mighty Wargroves advance, crushing enemies with the inexorable strength of nature.


Outcasts and Free Spirits strike suddenly and without warning, slaughtering the foe mercilessly to cleanse the tainted land. The sylvaneth’s rebirth will be remembered as a harbinger of absolute vengeance.


An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 18 Sylvaneth miniatures, and a Warscroll Battalion – the Darkroot Wargrove – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!



– 1 Drycha Hamadreth

– 1 Treelord Ancient


– 5 Spite-Revenants
– 5 Tree-Revenants
– 6 Kurnoth Hunters


Battleforce: Tau Empire Targeted Reconnaissance Cadre $170



Using speed, genius tactics and overwhelming firepower to spread their message of the Greater Good across the galaxy, the Tau Empire is a race known for incredibly advanced technology. Fuelled by the absolute conviction that their cause is just, they bring enlightenment to all at the barrel of a gun. Join, or die.


An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce: contains a set of Tau Empire miniatures, and a formation – the Targeted Reconnaissance Cadre – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer 40,000!



–        1 TY7 Devilfish
–        1 XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit, with 1 Drone
–        1 XV88 Broadside Battlesuit, with 2 Drones
–        1 XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit, with 2 Drones
–        3 XV25 Stealth Suits, with 1 Drone
–        a 10-model Pathfinder Team, with 3 Drones


That wraps it up for this week’s New Releases from Games Workshop. Thanks for checking us out and letting us be your source for the latest in tabletop gaming news.

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth