Green Motherboards & White Armor: LVO Army Showcase

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The Mechanicum rolled out of Mars with a fresh new coat of white paint. Check out this awesome army spotted at the Las Vegas Open!

The Las Vegas Open was home to a ton of head-turning armies. From t3 Guardsmen to colossal Castellans, some serious love went into these armies. But here, we’ll be looking at some white Mechancium.

LVO 2019

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us:

Green Motherboards & White Armor Plates: Ad Mech LVO Army Showcase

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These Admech were supported with a small Guard Battalion rocking blue armor plates. The blue and white combo looks great on the table, but what looks even better is the entire matching base-theme for both allied factions. It’s a subtle detail but really ties the army together.

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Moving into the actual working force of the list, the Admech rocked a crisp white paint job all done by hand. Kudos to this hobbyist because we all know how much of a paint it can be to get some nice even coats of white on models by a manual brush. But they managed to pull it off and it looks spectacular!

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The Kastelan Robots even have their digital targeting screens filled with detail and some cleverly-placed white streaks to give a glare effect.

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Of course, the Castellan and all of these Robots were lead by none other than Belisarius Cawl himself, who decided to ditch the red robes and go with white! The amount of detail on his cloak alone is impressive, but that’s the kind of love you give to THE head honcho of a faction right?

All in all, this is a fantastic army that we hope to see inspire more of you out there. Great job keeping those hobby muscles strong by giving the hobby world a beautiful army to admire! Let us know what you think about this list in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.