Top 3 Undefeated 40k Army Lists That Crushed Giga-Bites RTT

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More lists muscled their way to the top at another 40k ITC tournament over the weekend. Check out what the top 3 undefeated armies brought to do the job!

40k’s meta is in an extremely healthy space right now. Almost every tournament we cover is completely different in terms of who the top lists ae. With that said, Check out these three armies that came out on top at the Giga-Bites RTT. Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the events as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Ultramarines- JJ



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Starting off with this 3rd place Ultramarines list, Robbie G and a Techmarine came in and stood next to two lascannon Contemptors and a Sicaran Punisher. Victrix Guard, an Apothecary, and the Aggressors also came in to negate the Relic rule for those vehicles.

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For the CP, these Ultramarines brought three squads of Scouts to infiltrate up the board and create space for the Robbie G gun line. And for a little extra ranged spice, a storm cannon Leviathan and Thunderfire Cannon were brought along. While the Leviathan has a relatively short range, it’s damage potential with rerolls is absurd. Plus for the Thunderfire Cannon, it has movement-halving and shoot twice stratagems that are just too good to pass up. Great job!

2nd Place: Adeptus Mechanicus- Damien Owen

Skitarii Adeptus Mechanicus Wal Hor


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For this Ad Mech list, one huge squad of Kataphron Destroyers carrying all the plasma took up a quarter of the list. Two basic squads of Rangers also filled in the Troops slots to make a Battalion. As for the firepower of the list, two Skorpius Disentegrators with even more plasma hit the field.

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Moving into another Battalion, Cawl actually stepped out on the field with another (cheaper) squad of Kataprhons. However, for this detachment, almost a quarter of the lists’ points also went into a bigger squad of Kastelan Robots with phosphor blasters. For the last little cherry on top, an Onager Dinecrawler with Neutron laser also came out to play.

All in all, this list used the Servitor Maniple specialist formation and had three huge threats that hit the field. Between the Kataphron Destroyers, the Skorpius Disintegrators, and the Kastelans with phosphor blasters, the enemy had to make a hard decision on which thing to go after first. Awesome list.

1st Place: Imperial Knights- Daniel Hesters

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As for the 1st-place champ, an Imperial Knight list was the army that muscled its way to the top. All in all, there wasn’t anything groundbreakingly different from this list that we haven’t seen in other Knight lists. Two Crusaders hung back with a Castellan while a Gallant ran up the board causing as much havoc as he could before biting the dust. Note that 2CP were spent on the Castellan giving him a Warlord Trait and relic. With three Knights blasting you from range and a T8 wrecking ball racing toward you turn one, this list hit like a 99 mph bag of bricks. Great job claiming 1st place!

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All in all, Imperial Knights are still a major threat and Robbie G can still make the gun line list work. What do you think about these armies that came out on top? Does your army’s list look similar? Do you focus more on melee or ranged armies? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!