BREAKING: More New Titans Coming Soon From GW

By Wesley Floyd | November 24th, 2018 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40k Rumors

titanicus hor wal new gw titans

If you have been waiting on new Titans, rules, and weapon upgrades for Adeptus Titanicus, GW has some big teasers about what lies ahead for the game!

Games Workshop dropped some previews on new units as well as some upgrades for existing models in Adeptus Titanicus.

Let’s take a look at the latest updates coming to the game as well as the new Titanicus expansion and upgrade previews from a while back. Keep in mind, this was just a casual sort-of talk show hosted by the team, but some big news was hidden underneath it all.

Checking out what was GW teased recently about new Titans:

New Titans & Expansions Coming Soon From GW


As some background info, Titandeath is a novel releasing soon that will be based on the events on Beta Garmon, which saw multiple battles spanned across the sector against the Imperium of Man and the Traitor Legions.

This will also be the name of the forthcoming Adeptus Titancius Rules Expansions as well:

hh book 2

During the stream, the team confirmed a new expansion book coming for Adeptus Titanicus. They said it would come in the “black book” style like all of the Horus Heresy rulebooks. It should be around one hundred pages long and all centered around the events, legios, and houses present in Titandeath.

New Titan Classes

Chaos Warhound

A new “Class” of Titans may be coming to the game in the near future. They mentioned a new Scout-Class Titan being between a Knight and Warhound Titan in size that was “in-play” as well as new Reaver class, and briefly mentioned the Imperator-class as well…

Psi Titans Mentioned

psi titan

Titan pilots aren’t immune to being sensitive to powers of the Warp. Every now and then, a Titan Pilot could be a fully-fledged Psyker sitting in the cockpit of a huge Warmachine. What’s to stop him from blasting something with Psychic energy?

We saw these rules in HH book V Tempest for a Psi-Warlord, and this idea is very much “in play” for Titancius.

 Titanicus Transfer Sheets, Weapon Upgrades & Scenery

warhammer tv transfer new

As a part of the Stream, they also announced even more transfer decal sheets coming to cover all of the households that the community at large are fans of.

As for more weapon upgrades,  some type of claw weapon (Ursa?) and Warp Missile Racks are going to be added in as an upgrade pack. The Warhammer team knows we all love terrain and they 100% confirmed plans on bringing even more into Adeptus Titanicus.

Latest on Titanicus: New Models & Units Spotted

These announcements took us by surprise as none of this was really talked about in the Stream from above. It looks like there’s a lot more in store for the game that we didn’t even know about!

chaos warlord titan

A brand new Warlord Titan is on the way with a different loadout from the first. This one is geared slightly more towards getting in the enemy’s face and doing some damage with the power claw.

You’ll be able to add a differently armed Warlord Titan to your maniples, with the release of a new version of the plastic kit, complete with a pair of Sunfury plasma annihilators – high-powered plasma weapons capable of burning through even Titan armour – and an optional Arioch Titan power claw, for those Princeps who want to get up close and personal. The kit also comes with a pair of carapace-mounted laser blasters and two choices of head.

titanicus lancers

Keeping with the close combat theme, Lancers are coming to Titanicus as well. These are going to be under your Household support banners. The Lancers main goal is to get into close combat and should actually be able to survive a bit longer than their Questoris-class counterparts. But that’s not all the great news. New game boards are on the way as well!

Civitas District Warzone Board

titanicus board 1

 Warzone Alpha

titanicus board 2

Warzone Beta


New game boards are coming along with the Titanicus expansion. Civitas District Warzone alpha and beta show the ruined landscape of what looks to be the remains of an Imperial Factorum. Cover is sparse and the dangers are high.

Keep an eye out for all of these previews to become available later on this month!

Will you be staying back and shooting your enemy with the classic Warlord Titan? Or will you charge headlong with some Lancers into the enemy? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.