BREAKING: New Titans & Expansions Coming Soon From GW

By Rob Baer | October 26th, 2018 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warhammer TV

psi titan warlord

If you have been waiting on more Titans, rules, and weapon upgrades for Adeptus Titanicus, GW had some big teasers about what lies ahead for the game!

GW made some big reveals in their latest Twitch Stream about what’s on the way for Adeptus Titanicus.  This was just a casual sort-of talk show hosted by the team. They did mention a lot of exciting things we could be seeing in the future. Keep in mind that we don’t have any dates for what was talked about, other than “after the Titandeath novel”.

Besides the confirmation of the next expansion, and a new sculptor being hired to start working on upgrade parts for the Titans, some of the other points mentioned in the stream could have been wishful thinking from the team.

It was hard to differentiate between actual confirmed previews and wishful thinking, by the presenters.

Add salt where needed.

New Titans & Expansions Coming Soon From GW


As some background info, Titandeath is a novel releasing soon that will be based on Beta Garmon. Multiple battles Spanned across the sector against the Imperium of Man and the Traitor Legions.

This will also be the name of the forcoming Adeptus Titancius Rules Expansions as well:

hh book 2

During the stream, the team confirmed a new expansion book coming for Adeptus Titanicus. They said it would come in the “black book” style like all of the Horus Heresy rulebooks. It should be around one hundred pages long and all centered around the events, legios, and houses present in Titandeath.

New Scout Titan Classes

Chaos Warhound

A new “Class” of Titans may be coming to the game in the near future. They mentioned a new Scout-Class Titan being between a Knight and Warhound Titan in size that was “in-play” as well as new Reaver class, and briefly mentioned the Imperator-class as well…

Psi Titans Mentioned

psi titan

Titan pilots aren’t immune to being sensitive to powers of the Warp. Every now and then, a Titan Pilot could be a fully-fledged Psyker sitting in the cockpit of a huge Warmachine. What’s to stop him from blasting something with Psychic energy?

We saw these rules in HH book V Tempest for a Psi-Warlord, and this idea is very much “in play” for Titancius.

 Titanicus Transfer Sheets, Weapon Upgrades & Scenery

warhammer tv transfer new

As a part of the Stream, they also announced even more transfer decal sheets coming to cover all of the households that the community at large are fans of.

As for more weapon upgrades,  some type of claw weapon (Ursa?) and Warp Missile Racks are going to be added in as an upgrade pack. The Warhammer team knows we all love terrain and they 100% confirmed plans on bringing even more into Adeptus Titanicus.

We have absolutely no idea what any of these kits will look like or when they’ll be coming out.

Has Adeptus Titanicus been on your wishlist to grab this holiday season? Have these previews finally convinced you to jump into the game? What kind of rules do you think the Psi Titan will have? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.