New Forge World Horus Heresy & Titan Releases REVEALED

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More Titanicus is here for Forge World. Check out everything they’re getting just in time for Doom of Molech. What will you be picking up?

It’s that time for Forge World to show us their next big releases again. Adeptus Titanicus is getting some support with new Titan weapons and more.

Warlord Quake Cannon $22

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Equip your Warlord Battle Titans with a Mori quake cannon. This mighty weapon can disrupt enemy god-machines by slowing them down and turning them around – as well as causing grievous damage with its high strength.

There’s not a single weapon on the Warlord that can’t level a building. The quake cannon is no exception. If you want enough stopping power to make an enemy Warlord think twice, this cannon might be exactly what you want.

Warlord Macro Gatling Blaster $22

The trick to taking down void shields with Titanicus is overloading them with sheer firepower. The macro gatling blaster is the just the bigger version of what you see on Reavers. But remember, the bigger the Titan, the more stopping power. While this thing is designed to pop shields, this should be able to harrass Titans and get a few rounds past their armor.

Warlord Titan With Quake Cannon and Macro Gatling Blaster$154

warlord titan forge world

This bundle allows you to build a Warlord Battle Titan for your games of Adeptus Titanicus and equip it with arm weapons from a choice of two volcano cannons, a Mori quake cannon, and a macro gatling blaster. This lets you outfit your Titan to face any foe and gives you plenty of options to use in your games.

If you want everything together, this is the plastic Warlord kit that you kind find on shelves in stores along with two resin guns. With the Warlord Titan normally being $110 dollars and the guns each costing $22 a piece, you aren’t actually saving any money. But hey, it’s less clicking.

Horus Heresy Book Four: Conquest (SB) $70

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This volume focuses on the Traitor invasion of the northern Imperium.

With his treachery at the Isstvan system revealed, Horus marshals his forces to build a power base from which he can strike at Terra. Armies flock to his turncoat banner, including many units of the Imperial Army’s Solar Auxilia, and treacherous Households of Questoris Knights.

There’s something for the Heresy fans in the pre-orders as well. You can grab a softback version of book four for the Horus Heresy focusing mainly on the Traitors post-Isstvan.

Horus Heresy Book Six: Retribution (SB) $70


This book explores the unseen Shadow Wars that rage across the galaxy as betrayed Legiones Astartes mount bitter campaigns against their former brothers, determined that if death is to be their fate, their betrayers will share it. This tale is told across five chapters, describing five very different Shadow Wars of the Age of Darkness. Also included are a detailed campaign system and a set of special Shadow Wars missions, enabling players to undertake their own series of linked battles fought between the types of forces explored throughout the book.

This book is specifically centered around:

  • Dark Angels, Blood Angels, & White Scar Legions.
  • Characters for the Mechanicum
  • New Rites of War for your Legions
  • rules for Knight-Errants and Blackshields.
  • rules for combining several Legions into a shattered Legion force.

And there you have it! All of Forge Worlds next releases are set in the Horus Heresy timeline with some exciting new upgrades for Titanicus. What will you be picking up this time? How do you run your Warlord in Titanicus right now? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.