RUMORS: New Blood Bowl, LoTR, & Titanicus This Summer

games workshop warhammer rumors

Even more new Blood Bowl, Lord of the Rings & Titancius may be on the way to stores this summer! Don’t miss the latest.

Coming from an Industry Insider, there may be even more specialist games releases lying in wait for us this summer. Check out what we might be seeing for some of our favorite games.

Rumors of New Specialist Games Releases

As far as specialist games go, here’s what our source had to say is on the way for us this summer:

Wood Elves getting the full release treatment, plus Spike 6. The Shire is set to burn once more for the new system.

Judging from that statement, we may be seeing the following over the summer, but probably sooner than later…

  • Blood Bowl Wood Elves release (pitch, dice, team?)
  • Spike! Magazine Vol. 6 (showcasing Wood Elves?)
  • Lord of the Rings: Scouring of the Shire Expansion?

wood elves

As far as Blood Bowl goes, we just saw the Halflings’ team get released and they were featured in Spike! Magazine vol. 5. Wood Elves are an old team but we’re sure fans wouldn’t mind getting some new models!

Maybe these guys will be getting the next “Halfling” treatment in GW’s next Blood Bowl wave.

LoTR: Middle Earth Strategy Battle

games workshop hobbit gone

Lord of the Rings, Middle Earth Strategy Battle might be taking the fight to the Hobbits. Going off the name alone, it sounds like it might be an expansion introducing some iconic Hobbits to the battlefield.

scouring of the shire lord of the rings

Warhammer Community did just show a hobbit-hole kit that may have something to do with this rumor as well.

Warhammer Underworlds:


Keep your peepers open for a new summer card pack that promises unlimited power

What does that mean? To talk about what it could be, we’re going to have to backtrack some.

shadespire leaders

So each Warband has a different Leader. The Leader is usually the most important dude on the team through combat skill or just giving bonuses to his friends. That being said, GW released a card pack exclusively on the Leader role, last summer.

The cards inside the pack were generic upgrades, scorable objectives, and ploys that were all focused around the Leader and Leader only.

Perhaps something similar is coming for all those new caster models from Nightvault? 

Adeptus Titanicus:

And last but not least, Titanicus. Not really rumors, but these are known releases that are shrouded a bit in mystery still.

titanicus 6

We saw a handful of previews focusing on new Titan weapons, dice, command terminal cards, and decals back at Warhammer Fest. On WarhammerTV’s stream yesterday, they also made an announcement that the releases could be expected about 4-6 weeks out.

titanicus sprue knight upgrades

Here’s our exclusive pic of the new Knight upgrade sprue that is on the way, most likely around the same time as the Poryphion, and perhaps the new Reaver upgrades pictured as well.

What do you think about these rumors of what’s ahead? Have the new previews for Titanicus driven you to pick up the game? What is your favorite Blood Bowl team to use? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.