Tiny Masterpieces: GMM Studios Does Adeptus Titanicus (finally!)

gmm titanicus wal
GMM Studios is back again with another project, except this time they’re stepping into the realm of Adeptus Titanicus. Check out his latest creation!

GMM Studios has been bringing jaw-dropping forces to the tabletop or years. However, they’ve recently been mainly geared toward the 40k universe. This time around, we’re going to be looking at an Adeptus Titanicus project!

GMM Studios Adeptus Titanicus: Legion Astramman Titan Showcase

gmm titanicus 1Back again, this time with something pretty different. At least in scale- Adeptus Titanicus! In case anyone is unfamiliar with the size of these, the Knights in front are about a Terminator, and the middle ones, a Dreadnought.  Tiny stuff, but a lot going on.  I’ve painted all of these in full scale and I have to say the detail is really remarkable.  It’s a testament to the effort put into recreating the larger Titans that the process for painting these was overall the same, and felt the same as the big guys.

gmm titanicus 2If anyone has played Titanicus or put one of these kits together, you’d know how loaded with detail these are. Stepping back as an overlook at the whole collection, check out each checkered pattern on the armor plates… the amount of weathering that’s gone into the Porphyrions and Questoris-Class Knights. It’s absolutely incredible.

gmm titanicus 3The schemes are Legion Astraman and House Griffith.  The client was really sold on and loves Griffith, so that part was easy.  The complicated part was finding something he enjoyed that was complimentary on several levels to that House.  I went through every legion to see what existed, as well as coming up with a few of them myself either just based on pure color theory, or existing Legions that are nothing more than tidbits of lore.

gmm titanicus 4In the end he reviewed this package of ideas, and we went with Astraman. Which, in hindsight, was a great choice.  It needed some modernization, but that transition went very smoothly.

gmm titanicus 5Not pictured here but included is every possible weapon option, tons of terrain, and accessories.  I really enjoy that and this project has a little bit of an extra sense of completion because of it.  I am the type of person to collect every little accessory and doodad to go with whatever I am interested in at the moment, so it’s a little extra cozy feeling and feels good to send out a complete package to the client.

With incredibly crisp color patterns and detailed bases, the models also had different weapon options to choose from as well. This is really every major Titanicus fan’s dream collection.

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gmm titanicus 7GMM Studios once again have not ceased to impress the amount of hobby skill they can throw into a single project.

gmm titanicus 8Thanks for viewing, hope you enjoy and see you next time!

We’ve gone over a bunch of pics out of this collection but would you believe there are still tons more? Check out the full rundown on the latest finished project from GMM Studios!
GMM logo
After looking at this collection, do you prefer the green or the tan color scheme? Do you have your Titanicus collection painted in a similar way? What’s your favorite model for the game? 
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