Why Titanicus Will Never Be EPIC or Have Xenos?

Adeptus Titanicus warlord painted

Adeptus Titanicus is coming soon, and hobbyists are already wanting to know what will be coming after launch. Come see our thoughts on what’s next for the game.

Now that we’ve had a few previews on the Titanicus game, a lot of people seem to be asking “When will you add more factions”. Short answer, maybe they shouldn’t.

Why Titanicus Will Never Be EPIC or Have Xenos?

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018If you did notice yet, it looks like from the box, the Adeptus Titanicus game is set in the HORUS HERESY era. Titans fight other Titans with a series of Michael Bay explosions and one eventually falling down. Some people have been asking when/if they’ll add more factions to the game. For the sake of Horus Heresy, we hope not. Horus Heresy is the story of basically, the rise and fall of the Imperium.

Of course, there were Orks and Necrons etc. doing their own thing during the Horus Heresy.. but the story is about the Humans and their drama. If people start to bleed Xenos races into a Horus Heresy setting, well then it’s just not Horus Heresy anymore is it?

40k Flashback Titan Legions- Little Big Men

Eldar & Orks


During a live Twitch stream from the Forge World crew about a month ago, a question was brought up about adding Xenos races to 30k. There was a resounding “No” from the team. They said that the Horus Heresy should be focused on the Space Marines and their tribulations. It tells a story specifically about Space Marines and it’ll stay that way.

Disclaimer: We know that Space Marines get all the cool releases and 10 new models for every 1 Xenos model. But they still suck in 8th so be happy that your army isn’t holding on for dear life.

The next question some people may ask is “can we get more units besides Titans”? Well when you go and do that, you’ll start to get a game of EPIC going.

warhammer epic Why Titanicus Will Never Be EPIC or Have Xenos?

So that probably shouldn’t happen either from a sales perspective right?. The Adeptus Titanicus game is centered on Titans in the Horus Heresy, and it should revolve around that. Let’s be real here folks, GW is never going to put anything out that competes with their cash cow 40k directly. However, EPIC was a larger scale than 40k, but it still felt like 40k. When you can get a whole army for like $200 (with rules) like in EPIC it can present a challenge to Warhammer 40k.

With that being said, there’s nothing stopping GW from releasing another box game with New Legions vs Gorkanauts and Stompas (or even craftworld constructs for that matter). All we are saying is that they shouldn’t pop up as an expansion for the Horus Heresy: Titanicus game, and it’s doubtful GW would release another game/skirmish mode that would compete with 40k. It would be terrible business on their part.

What do you think about Adeptus Titanicus? Are you excited that templates are back? What Titan Legion is your favorite? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

adeptus titanicus warlord titan

More Adeptus Titanicus